Visiting Student Application

Application for visiting students at SUNY Corning Community College.

Questions? Give us a call (tap the phone number on mobile device to dial): 607-962-9875

SUNY Corning Community College Visiting Student Scheduling/Course Request Form
Applying for *
I have taken SUNY CCC courses and/or ACE courses before:
Are you a US Citizen*
Are you Hispanic/Latino
If Hispanic/Latino, is your background (check one)
Other applicants (select one or more)
High School Information*
Do you plan to earn a degree from SUNY CCC?
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
For each class, on a new line, please provide subject, course number, section, title, CRN, and credits (Example ENGL 1010-001 College Composition I CRN: 12465 Credits: 3)

I understand that all academic and financial responsibilities must be met by the beginning of the semester. I also understand that my signature is binding and I must make any changes using the proper procedures and forms for this institution. Failure to do so may result in academic and/or financial liability and/or penalty. If under the age of 18, parent or guardian signature is needed. My signature indicates that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the above terms.

All students registered for 6 credit hours or more in classes physically located on the Corning/Elmira campuses or other MUST submit:

MMR REQUIREMENTS Records may be located at your previous college, high school or family doctor’s office. In accordance with NYS Law any student born after January 1, 1957, must provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella, this requirement may be met by the following: Proof of disease, immune titers, or two (2) measles, one (1) mumps, and one (1) rubella vaccine given after the student’s first birthday). 

NEW YORK STATE LAW: MENINGITIS VACCINE The Center for Disease Control Advisory committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recently issues a new recommendation for college students registered for 6 credit hours or more: Students, especially those living in residence halls, should consider vaccination to reduce their risk for MENINGOCOCCAL DISEASE. New York State Public Health Law 2167 requires:

  • A response to receipt of meningococcal disease and vaccine information signed by the student or student’s parent or guardian (if under the age of 18). AND EITHER
  • A record of meningococcal meningitis immunization within the past 3-5 years; OR
  • An acknowledgment of meningococcal disease risks and refusal of meningococcal meningitis immunization waiver signed by the student or student’s parent or guardian (if under the age of 17).

Release and Signature: The information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. The high school named in this application has my permission to release requested records to SUNY Corning Community College. I understand that by submitting this application, I will be contacted by SUNY Corning Community College for the purposes of beginning the enrollment process, which may include missing documentation, scheduling assessment testing, reminder calls for appointments, scheduling registration appointments, follow up communication to assist the student with enrolling in classes and preparedness for the first day of classes. SUNY Corning Community College will communicate to students through traditional communication, as well as email, automated calling, and text messaging. You will need to let the Office of Admissions know if there is a method in which you do not want to be communicated with.