Student Consumer Information
Academic Degrees, Certificates, and Microcredentials
College Catalog
Catalog contents include academic programs, academic policies (including the Academic Integrity Policy and Transfer Credit Policy), the Acceptable Use Policy, accreditations, faculty credentials, and more. Access
a copy in the library or the Enrollment Advisement Center.
College Navigator
View information regarding accreditation, enrollment, retention and graduation rates,
cost, etc.
Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Report (EADA)
Past years' information is available at
Privacy of Student Records: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Voter Registration Information and Form
More information is available: Voter Registration.
SUNY Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator will provide you and your family with an early estimate of the financial aid for
which you might qualify. Please note the Net Price Calculator is a planning tool only
and not an application for financial aid.
Financial Aid Programs and How to Apply
Information on all federal and state financial aid programs that SUNY CCC participates in are available
here. This information is also available in the College Catalog and in the Enrollment Advisement Center.
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. You can access a personalized data sheet by visiting the SUNY Net Price Cost Calculator and selecting Corning from the dropdown. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site.
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Code of Conduct
Pell Grant and Other Aid Percentages
Penalties for Conviction of Drug Offenses and Federal Aid Eligibility
Students convicted on drug offenses during a period of enrollment for which the student
is receiving federal aid may lose eligibility for future federal aid.
Title IV Disbursements Contract Disclosure
View our institution's contract with BankMobile, a Division of Customers Bank, here.
Student Outcomes: Retention, Graduation, Transfer Rates
Affirmative Action and Equal Educational Opportunity
Annual Health and Fire Safety Report
Credit Solicitation Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD Act)
Drug and Alcohol Policy and Abuse Prevention Program
SUNY CCC policies prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit
drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the College's property or as part of
College activities.
The State University of New York and Corning Community College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate in College/University-wide and campus programs, activities, and employment (finish reading the Sexual Violence Student Bill of Rights here).
SUNY CCC Informal Resolution Procedure
SUNY CCC Decorum for Informal Grievance Process Hearings
SUNY Title IX Training
An individual who has a complaint about a program, service, or other aspect of this
institution may utilize the following processes in seeking resolution of the concern:
Students who wish to convey a suggestion, concern, or complaint about a SUNY CCC class should first contact the instructor. If resolution is not achieved at this step, students should contact the Department Chair. If resolution is not achieved at this step, students should contact the Associate Dean of Instruction for the academic division.
Any member of the SUNY CCC community may file a complaint against a student for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Complaints must be made in writing and directed to the Assistant Dean of Student Services.
- Discrimination and harassment filing procedure and form to file.
Students who wish to convey a suggestion, concern, or complaint about other issues than listed above, should first contact the relevant office. If resolution is not achieved at this step, students should contact the supervisor in that office. If resolution is not achieved at that step, students should contact the Office of Student Development and Enrollment Management.
If it is unclear which office should be the first step for submitting a suggestion, concern, or complaint, the Office of Student Development and Enrollment Management can direct the individual to the relevant office.
If students are not satisfied with the outcome of their complaints at the campus level,
complaints should be directed to SUNY central administration:
Institutions delivering courses by distance education are required to provide students and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints. Students who are not satisfied with a SUNY central resolution could then file a complaint with the State Portal Entity, which is the Office of College and University Evaluation of NYSED. New York State Education Department has a process for filing a complaint against a college or university. For more information on New York State Education Department’s complaint procedures, please visit:
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) is a non-profit organization established to ensure national standards for interstate postsecondary distance education programs and courses. The State of New York is a member state, and SUNY Corning Community College is a SARA participating institution. Participation in SARA allows SUNY Corning Community College to provide distance education courses and programs to students outside of the state. SARA policies do not cover complaints related to grades or student conduct violations. To learn more about SARA, please visit NC-SARA.
NC-SARA Complaint Process
SUNY Corning Community College is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and follows the complaint resolution policies and procedures outlined within the SARA Policy Manual and summarized here. Consumer protection complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations may be submitted to the Vice President of Student Development and Enrollment Management, Maarit Clay, at for investigation and resolution. If a student is dissatisfied with the campus-based resolution, a concern may be submitted to System Administration of the State University of New York as outlined here. And, if still not satisfied, a complaint may be submitted, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the New York State Education Department as outlined here. Please note, this does not include complaints related to grades or student conduct violations, both of which are to be fully addressed via campus processes, not through the NC-SARA complaint resolution procedures.
SUNY Corning Community College is an institutional participant in the SARA initiative (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) related to distance education.
For more information regarding NC-SARA complaint process, please visit:
If, after attempting to resolve an issue through SUNY CCC's grievance procedures, an issue relative to non-compliance with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies or procedures, or the institution’s own policies or procedures, is not resolved, please see the MSCHE policy on types of complaints that can be sent to MSCHE, the accrediting body for SUNY CCC.
Disability-related Accomodations for Students
Procedures for requesting disability-related accommodations (inside and outside the classroom) for students can be found in the student tab of MyCorning under accessibility service:
CCC supports all students in their right to file a complaint when they believe they have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended and/or the New York State Human Rights Law.
Resolving Student Concerns with Equal Access
Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Office of Accessibility Services. Staff members are available to assist students in trying to resolve issues. If a student feels that a satisfactory resolution has not been reached, the student should deliver a written complaint by email or hard copy to the ADA/504 Compliance Officer ( or A101 Administration Building in the Human Resources Office. The complaint should be filed within a reasonable time, generally two (2) weeks from the time of notification of dis/approved accommodations, and specifically describe the nature of the complaint and the reasons why the resolution is not satisfactory.
The ADA/504 Compliance Officer shall review the complaint and will conduct an independent investigation which may include interviews of parties and witnesses deemed relevant and material to the issues raised and shall make a final determination in the matter and notify all interested parties of the final decision, in writing, within two (2) weeks of receipt of the grievance.
For resolution of complaints using external offices:
New York State Division of Human Rights
44 Hawley Street
Binghamton, NY 13901
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
300 Pearl Street, Suite 450
Buffalo, New York 14202