Advisory Boards
Input from local business/industry representatives is essential for SUNY Corning Community College to offer programs that meet our community’s needs. Please complete the form (link below) to let us know of your interest in serving on an advisory board.
As an employer (business, agency, organization) you’re looking for knowledgeable, skilled, motivated, and reliable employees. SUNY CCC develops the current and future workforce in our region through high-quality education and training and instills the value of life-long learning in our programs and students to promote regional economic development.
Curriculum Advisory Boards serve a critical role in providing insight and direction for programs, micro-credentials, courses, and work-based learning experiences. These Boards are advisory in nature and perform an invaluable service to the College by informing the curriculum and requirements for our degrees, certificates, and micro-credentials that prepare students for successful careers.
Every year, hundreds of students earn credentials and are prepared for work in their
chosen field.
We need your help to ensure that these students are ready to hit the ground running.
Which programs have advisory boards?
- Business/Accounting
- Chemical Technology
- Computer Information Science
- Community Health & Criminal Justice
- Electrical Technology
- Environmental Science
- Fine Art & Design
- Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Machine Tool Technology
- Mechanical Technology: CAD Design
- Nurse Education
- Welding
What are the benefits?
- ACCESS TO HIGH-QUALITY TALENT – Whether through Career and Transfer Services, internships, or relationships with faculty, advisory board members have direct access to SUNY CCC’s talent pipeline.
- GREATER VISIBILITY – SUNY CCC recognizes that advisory board members play a critical role in our success as an institution, and we make sure our broad community knows it too.
- NETWORK-BUILDING – Develop valuable professional connections with other local business leaders (inside and outside your industry), as well as with other community and college leaders.
- PAY IT FORWARD – Mentor and connect with students by providing the kind of advice and professional guidance you wish you had when you started your career.
What are the required qualifications?
Board members consist of professional representatives from organizations in the community and industry, with diverse experience and expertise within the related field. Board members must:
- Be interested in and committed to excellence in education.
- Reside in New York State (usually).
- Represent employers within the industry that hire AAS graduates. Employers must be considering hiring at this level, and/or be hiring actively.
- Have a minimum of five years of experience in a related field.
- Be able to serve for at least one three-year term.
- Reflect the interdisciplinary diversity of the field it is advising (e.g. Information Technology should include members in cyber, networking, etc.).
What are the expectations?
- Participate in two required Advisory meetings per year.
- Post all relevant job opportunities with SUNY CCC. This service is available at no charge to employers.
- Review curricula and recommend changes as necessary to maintain vital and relevant education.
- Serve as champions of SUNY CCC in the business community.
- Assist in providing career and professional development opportunities, including internships, for students.
- Provide reasonable notice if unable to fulfill full term and duties.
If you are interested in being an advisory board member, please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs at 607-962-9231.