Public Safety

Parking PermitS

The Department of Public Safety employs a professionally trained staff of New York State Certified Peace Officers and Campus Safety Officers to provide protection and service to the campus community.

Contact Information

If you require immediate emergency assistance (emergency medical services, police or fire response) dial 911.  Be prepared to tell the 911 dispatcher the nature of your emergency and your exact location.

The Department of Public Safety can be contacted at 607-962-9000 or by dialing '9000' from any campus phone. 

“Red Phones,” located in each building, automatically dial the Public Safety office. 

For the Elmira Academic and Workforce Development Center Public Safety office, dial 607-936-5512 or extension 5512 from a SUNY CCC office phone.

The Department of Public Safety can also be contacted at (non-emergency use only)

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, SUNY Corning Community College will notify the campus community using the Everbridge and Informacast Emergency Notification Systems. The notification will give brief instructions regarding actions that can help you remain safe. For more detailed guidelines about how to respond during emergencies, please refer to the following:

  1. Most bomb threats are received by telephone, although some may be made via e-mail or letter. If any form of bomb threat is received, remain calm and obtain as much of the following information as possible:
  2. Location of bomb
  3. Expected time of explosion
  4. The bomb type
  5. Reason it was placed
  6. The name or affiliation of the caller
  7. Immediately call the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911. Provide the call-taker with all information obtained, most importantly, any specific details concerning location and/or time.
  8. Do not touch or move unfamiliar objects. If the threat is made by note or through the mail, do not handle the item and wait for officers to arrive.
  9. The Department of Public Safety and local law enforcement will determine whether evacuation is warranted. If the building is evacuated, you should remember to take personal items such as car keys and your cell phone and leave the building immediately. Do not use your cell phone during the evacuation.

Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health

If a chemical spill occurs that is determined to pose an immediate threat to any building occupant, proceed as follows:

  1. Immediately notify all building occupants in the area in which the spill has occurred.
  2. Notify the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911 to report the spill.
  3. Ensure that HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) for the building is shut down. This will require a call to the Physical Plant at (607) 962-9233 {after hours, Public Safety (607) 962-9000}.
  4. Evacuate the immediate area of chemical emergency.  Only if necessary, pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building. Contact the Department of Public Safety immediately and advise that the fire alarm has been activated and the reason.
  5. If direct physical contact is made with the spilled chemical, immediately remove all contaminated clothing. Flush any point of bodily contact with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and/or use a safety shower if one is available.
  6. Ensure that everyone exposed to the spilled chemical obtains medical assistance.

Not Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health

Follow the procedures listed below for spills involving chemicals that are definitively known to pose no immediate threat.

  1. Evacuate the rooms and close the door but do not lock it.
  2. Immediately notify the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 to report the spill. Be prepared to give the following information:
  3. Building name
  4. Building location
  5. Floor number
  6. Room number
  7. Type of spill
  8. Chemical(s) involved
  9. Estimated volume of chemical(s) involved
  10. If trained and familiar with the hazards, attempt to contain the spill as much as possible.
  11. Avoid direct physical contact with the spilled material. If contact is made, remove any contaminated clothing and flush the area with water for 15 minutes. 
  12. The Department of Public Safety will notify the Physical Plant and other appropriate response agencies to assist in the spill cleanup.

Report a crime in progress or suspected criminal activity to the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911. Relay as much information as possible, including, when applicable:

  • The nature of the crime
  • The location
  • Physical description of the perpetrator
  • The type of weapons involved
  • Vehicle description and license number
  • Direction of travel when last seen

DO NOT APPROACH OR ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND THE PERPETRATOR. Stay on the telephone with the dispatcher until the first officer arrives.

Warning Signs of Danger

  • Possession of weapon
  • Suicide threats or statements
  • Detailed threats of violence
  • Rage for minor reasons
  • Destruction of property
  • Conflicts with peers, family, others

Early Warning Signs of Threat of Harm

  • Withdrawal
  • Feelings of isolation or rejection
  • Victim of violence or bullying
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Talk of suicide
  • Depression
  • Marked changes in appearance
  • Expressions of violence in writings or drawings
  • Distorted or bizarre thoughts and statements

If you become concerned that an individual may pose a risk of harming him/herself or others, contact the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911.

A major earthquake will cause shaking of the earth or building. This shaking may begin as a gently rocking motion or as a violent jolt.

During an Earthquake

  1. Seek protection from falling debris in doorways, under desks or tables or in corners of rooms. Do not seek cover under laboratory benches or tables, as chemical spills are possible.
  2. Do not use elevators.
  3. If outside, move away from buildings, power lines and trees. Seek open areas.
  4. If driving, pull to the side of the road and stop immediately. Avoid overpasses and power lines. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking has ceased.

After an Earthquake

  1. Collect personal belongings (coat, purse, cell phone), leave the building quickly and gather at the designated meeting area.
  2. If persons are injured, missing or known to be trapped inside the building, call the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911.  It may be necessary to send a runner to the Department of Public Safety if phones are out of service.
  3. To expedite rescue and emergency services, a sign should be posted on the front of the building with the following information:
  4. The date
  5. The time
  6. The number of people known inside
  7. The location(s) of the persons known inside
  8. Provide assistance to those who have mobility impairments or to those who may be trapped by fallen debris.
  9. Check for injuries, but do not attempt to move a seriously injured person unless there is a greater danger by not doing so. Call the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000 or call 911.
  10. Use cell phones only to report emergencies (i.e. gas leaks, fire or injuries).
  11. Only Physical Plant employees or other trained individuals should attempt to turn utilities on or off.
  12. Never touch downed utility poles or lines. Do not approach damaged building equipment.
  13. Avoid open flames due to potential gas leaks.
  14. Do not drive a vehicle unless warranted by an emergency. Streets should be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
  15. Be prepared for aftershocks. Aftershocks are usually smaller than the initial earthquake, but they may be strong enough to topple already damaged buildings.

Remember, a significant earthquake will affect an entire community. Rescues and/or assistance may not be immediate. During emergencies that render broad, citywide impacts, it may be necessary to assume responsibility for the safety of oneself and if possible, others in the vicinity who need aid.

  • All campus emergencies (Department of Public Safety) - 911 or (607) 962-9000 24 hours a day
Physical Plant - (607) 962-9233 (Office hours 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) (after hours call Public Safety (607) 962-9000)

In cases of emergencies, those individuals with physical impairments, who are not on the ground floor, may need assistance with building evacuation.

Ambulatory Individuals

Ambulatory individuals are those with disabilities that may impair rapid building evacuation. Examples include those who are blind, deaf or whose mobility is restricted by the use of walkers or crutches. Assistance to ambulatory individuals can be provided by guiding them to a stairwell, waiting until a clear passage is established and helping them down the stairs to the designated meeting area.

Non-ambulatory Individuals

Non-ambulatory individuals are those with disabilities that require the use of wheelchairs. To assist these individuals, proceed as follows:

  1. Call the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000. Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible, most importantly, the location of the individual.
  2. Move the impaired individual into the stairwell and await assistance if there is no immediate danger within the vicinity of the stairs. Send a runner to the building accountability area and report where the evacuation assistance is necessary.
  3. If the hazard becomes life threatening, move the individual into a room and close the door. If evacuation is deemed necessary, proceed according to the established plan. Immediately inform emergency personnel of the location of the non-ambulatory individuals.
  4. Signal the emergency responders whenever possible by hanging an article of clothing from a window to attract attention and gain assistance.

Smoke, fire or an explosion in a building shall warrant activation of the nearest fire pull station which is located near an outside exit.

  1. Call the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000. Immediately evacuate the building using established evacuation routes. Do not use elevators.
  2. If possible, provide assistance to mobility-impaired individuals. If this is not possible, or if anyone is injured, call the Department of Public Safety at 911. Provide the location to arriving emergency services (fire, police, etc.) of physically-impaired individuals sheltered in the building.
  3. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire.
  4. Once outside the building, account for all building occupants at the designated meeting area.
  5. Do not re-enter the building or leave the campus unless advised to do so by the building coordinator, department chair or Department of Public Safety.
  6. Give any known details of the alarm or fire to arriving emergency personnel.
  7. Report damage to the Physical Plant at (607) 962-9233 (after hours call Public Safety at (607) 962-9000).
  8. Give any known details of the alarm or fire to arriving emergency personnel.

Flammable, toxic, corrosive, oxygen, cryogenic

  1. If a gas cylinder or gas piping begins to leak or is suspected of leaking, thereby presenting danger to building occupants, proceed as follows:
  2. Immediately notify building occupants to evacuate the area along the established route.
  3. Notify the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000 to report the details of the chemical emergency.
  4. Ensure that HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) for the building is shut down. Avoid open flames. This may require a call to the Physical Plant at (607) 962-9233 (after hours call Public Safety at (607) 962-9000).
  5. Be prepared to provide the following information:
  6. Building name
  7. Building location
  8. Floor number
  9. Room number
  10. Specific chemical name of the involved gas
  11. Estimated volume of gas
  12. Make every attempt to direct evacuating personnel away from the hazardous area. Account for all building occupants at the designated meeting area. Building occupants should not return until instructed to do so by the Department of Public Safety or Fire Department personnel.

Do not leave the injured person unattended except to summon help. Call 911.

Do not move a seriously injured person unless that person's life would be threatened by not doing so.

  1. Render first-aid or CPR if trained.
  2. When reporting a medical emergency, provide the following information:
  3. Type of emergency
  4. Location of injured
  5. Condition of injured
  6. Any dangerous conditions
  7. Have someone stand outside the building to flag EMS as they reach the vicinity of the building.
  8. Comfort the injured person until EMS arrives.
  9. Have someone stand outside the building to flag EMS as they reach the vicinity of the building.
  10. If exposed to the injured persons' body fluids, wash the exposed area and contact a supervisor or the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000.


Toxic/Irritant Gas Inside Building

  1. Call the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000. Provide dispatcher with as much information as possible.
  2. Immediately evacuate the building using established evacuation routes.
  3. Account for all building occupants upon arrival at the designated meeting area.

Infectious Agents

  1. Call the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000. Provide dispatcher with as much information as possible.
  2. Do not move or handle the material. Immediately vacate the building using the established evacuation route.
  3. Account for all building occupants upon arrival to the designated meeting area. Segregate those individuals who may have been exposed to an infectious agent.

Tornado or Severe Thunderstorm Watch

A tornado or severe thunderstorm "watch" means that severe weather is possible, but not imminent. Proceed with normal activity, but continue to monitor weather-related reports.


A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted in the area.

  1. Notify all building occupants.
  2. Seek shelter immediately. Basements and small interior hallways or rooms of lower floors with no glass provide the best shelter.
  3. Do not remain in a vehicle. Seek shelter in a sturdy building. In cases where no obvious shelter is available, a ditch or ravine will provide some protection.
  4. After danger has passed, immediately report all injuries to the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000. Be prepared to give the following information:
  5. Type of emergency
  6. Location of injured
  7. Condition of the injured
  8. Any dangerous conditions
  9. Leave a damaged building immediately and do not attempt to return unless given permission by the Department of Public Safety. Report to the designated meeting area and account for all occupants.
  10. Do not attempt to turn utilities or equipment on or off. Call Physical Plant (607) 962-9233 (after hours call Public Safety at (607) 962-9000).


If a severe thunderstorm watch is in effect, be prepared to seek shelter in the event that the "watch" is upgraded to a "warning". If a warning is issued, proceed as follows:

  1. Notify other building occupants of the warning.
  2. Stay indoors and away from windows until the warning has expired.
  3. Report any injuries to the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000.
    Be prepared to give the following information:
  4. Building name
  5. Building location
  6. Type of emergency
  7. Condition of the injured

Any dangerous conditions

In a case of utility failure (electricity, water, gas or telephone), immediately call Physical Plant (607) 962-9233 (after hours, or if no answer call the Department of Public Safety at (607) 962-9000.

  1. If phone service has been affected, attempt to use the college's computer network, if available.
  2. In cases involving persons trapped in elevators, call the Department of Public Safety at 911 or (607) 962-9000.

In every case, be prepared to give:

  • Building name
  • Building location
  • Floor number
  • Room number (if applicable)
  • Nature of problem
  • Contact person or telephone extension

Remain in place until notified by the building emergency coordinator or Public Safety. While emergency lighting is activated, exit stairs and exit doors should be illuminated.

Emergency lighting is temporary and is not provided to continue building operations. The building emergency coordinator or department chair will determine if employees should continue working or leave the building.



Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

The annual security and fire safety report (ASR) is a requirement of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), specifically the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Crime Statistics Act.

The federal law requires colleges and universities to:

  • Collect, classify and count crime reports and statistics
  • Issue campus alerts under certain requirements
  • Publish an annual security and fire safety report (ASR)
  • Maintain a Daily Crime and Fire Log
  • Disclose missing student notification procedures
  • Provide fire safety information

2021 Annual Safety and Fire Report

2022 Annual Safety and Fire Report

2023 Annual Safety and Fire Report

2024 Annual Safety and Fire Report