Regional Board of Trustees

SUNY Corning Community College receives its authority from the State University of New York (SUNY) and is governed by fourteen trustees.

Seven trustees are appointed by its supporting counties—Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben. Six are appointed by the Governor of New York State, and one is elected by the students. All trustees are residents of the College region and serve seven-year terms, except the student trustee who serves a one-year term. Their terms of service vary in length, and they can be reappointed for extended terms.

Regional Board of Trustees Statement on Social Justice

As the governing body of an institution dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion, the Regional Board of Trustees of SUNY Corning Community College reaffirms the College’s mission to provide access to a high-quality education for all individuals in a safe and open environment. Accordingly, in light of recent events that serve a painful reminder of the role that systemic racism plays in our country, the College is strongly committed to standing up for the oppressed and the marginalized and to constantly improving our practices, policies and programs so that they are deeply rooted in guiding principles of social justice and reform. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Regional Board of Trustees supports the President’s recently announced actions:
· Create town hall sessions and educational series on social justice, anti-racism, and equity for all students, faculty and staff at our college
· Enhance cultural competency training for all who lead our institution and deliver our courses, programs, and services
· Evaluate data to address disproportionate outcomes and identify issues of inequity and disparate treatment.


Committee and Board meetings start at 5:30 pm. Please note, some meetings may be held remotely. This will be announced on the public website as well as on MyCorning, and the meeting will be available to the public through streaming. 

Week of Committee Meetings  Board Meetings
July 15, 2024 July 18, 2024
May 27, 2024 June 6, 2024
April 15, 2024 April 24, 2024
March 4, 2024 March 14, 2024
January 22, 2024 February 1, 2024
November 27, 2023 December 7, 2023
October 1, 2023 October 12, 2023
August 21, 2023 August 31, 2023
July 10, 2023 July 13, 2023
May 30, 2023 June 8, 2023


Appointment & County 

Term Expires

Michael J. Wayne, Chair

County, Chemung

July 2024

Judy McKinney Cherry, Vice Chair

Governor, Schuyler

June 2023

Heather Reynolds, Treasurer

Governor, Steuben

June 2024

Ronald E. Allison

County, Chemung

June 2026

Dr. Polly W. Chu

County, Steuben

June 2026

Dr. Kintu Early

County, Steuben

June 2024

Sally Jacoby-Murphy

Governor, Steuben

June 2028

Margaret Lawrence

County, Schuyler

June 2029

Joe Rowe

Governor, Chemung

June 2030

Nancy M. Wightman

County, Steuben

June 2027

Alan S. Winston

County, Chemung

June 2025

Aniga Werner

Student Trustee


To contact Corning Community College Regional Board of Trustees, please email at