For more information, please email us at ace@corning-cc.edu or call (607)-962-9533.
There are many financial advantages of taking ACE courses in high school.
- Tuition is scholarshipped for high school students.
- ACE credits reduce the cost and time of earning an Associates or Bachelors degree, which may mean the students need to borrow less (or even no) money, thus reducing student loan debt.
Students enrolled in ACE course(s) earn college credit and an official college transcript. Students may also receive high school credit for the course. The high school credit is determined by the high school.
- Some plan to eliminate their freshman year, saving a considerable amount of time and money.
- Some wish to lighten their first and second year at college, feeling they would do better academically with less pressure.
- Some wish to get required courses out of the way so they can take more electives at college.
- Some are able to accomplish a double major in four years.