High School (CEO) College Education Online

Fall 2024 Classes are Open for Registration.

Please read through course descriptions carefully for start and end dates, and other important information. 

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Vocabulary and expressions for listening comprehension and speaking ability. Reading and writing introduced. For students with little or no background in the language. Not intended for students with high school Regents credit or equivalent in French. Lecture/recitation. 

Start Date: 8/26/24

End Date: 12/16/24

Time: T/TH 3:30-4:45 pm, synchronous

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: World Language Gen Ed

Equip students with a basic introduction to major global public health issues, challenges, programs and policies, focusing on those that transcend national boundaries, and key related questions in global governance. Introduction to the world's vast diversity of determinants of health and disease. Students will gain an understanding of current and emerging global health priorities, including emerging infectious diseases, poverty, conflicts and emergencies, health inequity, health systems, global public health policies, and initiatives, the current functioning of the global health system and its shortcomings, and exposure to new approaches and solutions to addressing global public health challenges, placing priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Emphasizes the concept of shared health problems and solutions. Prerequisite: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010 (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Start Date: 9/30/24

End Date: 12/16/24

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th


FALL TERM COURSES (9/16/24-1/11/25)

An introduction to the visual arts emphasizing the understanding and appreciation of art through a review of the elements and principles of art and design, as well as an examination of two- and threedimensional art forms, methods and media. Credits  3.0 

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: The Arts Gen Ed 

 The four arithmetic processes and the algebra of business. Application of mathematics to typical business problems. Taxes, insurance, payroll, depreciation, trade and cash discounts, markup, simple interest and bank discounts, and financial statement analysis. (3 cr. hrs.)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

Communication, decision making, and critical thinking facilitated by the use of software using online tools and word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and databases in a simulated business environment to support other required business courses. 

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

This course explores chemistry in the context of the world around us, with an emphasis on topical issues such as the air we breathe, the water we consume, climate change, sources of energy, and the impact of plastics. The course takes a “citizens first” approach that focuses on understanding societal issues in order to serve as informed citizens. Designed for nonscience majors to fulfill laboratory science requirements. Prerequisites: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010 (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3-4

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

Lab Fee: 

General Education Areas: Natural Science Reason Gen Ed 

Theories and applications of computers. Includes computer architecture, hardware, software, number coding, problem solving paradigms, microcomputer applications, network technology, computer ethics, computer careers, e-commerce, and system software. Lecture/laboratory. Shelf Life Alert. Prerequisites: Eligible to take a college-level composition course and completion of all developmental mathematics requirements. (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/14-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

Lab Fee: 

Essay writing designed to sharpen the student's perceptions of the world and to facilitate communications with correctness, clarity, unity, organization, and depth. Assignments include expository writing, argumentation, and research techniques. Writing Process. Prerequisites: High School GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: Information Literacy; Written Comm Gen Ed 

Designed to assist first-year students in adjusting to the college environment as well as becoming familiar with strategies for success. A general orientation to the resources of the college, essential academic success skills to better understand the learning process, and career exploration will be covered. Lectures/Discussions/Activities. 

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

Theories and practices of American Federal Government with emphasis on the national level. Changing relationships between the branches of the national government, policy formulation, political parties, pressure groups, and the growth of presidential powers. Prerequisites: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010. (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

Dreams and concepts brought to the New World and their development into America's institutions and social fabric. Conflict and consensus among groups, dilemmas facing revolutionaries and reformers, and ways economic, political and social changes have occurred. Prerequisite: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010. (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: Diversity, Equity Gen Ed; US Hist Civic Engag Gen Ed 

An introduction to mass media, its influences on society, and the business of mass media. Includes study of the Internet, digital media, digital gaming, sound recording, broadcast, and print media. The business of mass media includes advertising, public relations, and media economics, along with ethical expression. Prerequisite: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010 or equivalent. (HS GPA 85% or higher)

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: Diversity, Equity Gen Ed; Humanities Gen Ed 

An introduction to psychology. Includes scientific method, measurement in psychology, motivation, learning, thinking and problem solving, perception, behavior disorders and varieties of treatment, biological basis of behavior, social determinants of behavior, human development and personality. Prerequisite: HS GPA 85% or higher

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: Critical Think and Reasoning; Information Literacy; Social Science Gen Ed

Social and cultural factors in the origin, structure, and functioning of group life. Sub-divisions to be emphasized include social structure, culture, socialization, institutions, and stratification. Prerequisite: eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010; high School GPA 85% or higher

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 11th-12th

General Education Areas: Critical Think and Reasoning; Social Science Gen Ed 

Development of facility in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the language through a systematic review of its structure. Representative readings as an introduction to Spanish civilizations. Lecture/ recitation. Upper-level course. Prerequisite: SPAN 1020 or equivalent or three years of Regents high school Spanish. 

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3-4

Eligible Grades:

General Education Areas: World Language Gen Ed 

Development of conversational fluency in ASL. Students will accurately recognize and produce ASL with appropriate non-manual behaviors and grammatical features. Development of linguistic/ cultural behaviors conducive to the deaf community and awareness of, and respect for, deaf culture. Receptive and expressive skills are fostered. Lecture/ recitation. Prerequisite: Eligible to enroll in ENGL 1010. (HS GPA 85% or higher) 

Saturdays 9am-12:00 pm

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25 

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades:

General Education Areas: World Language Gen Ed 

Develops self-awareness and audience awareness through oral presentation. Organize and present material in a variety of speaking occasions, including information, visualization, demonstration, argumentation, persuasion, and ceremonial. 

Date Range: 9/16/24-1/11/25

Credit Hours: 3

Eligible Grades: 9th-12th Grade

Materials - $10 fee