Resources for Clubs & Organizations

How to be a Club or Organization

The How To manual is designed to answer questions for clubs or organizations on planning events, accounting procedures, and anything else they'll need as they conduct club business. We have the How To presentation for student leaders to help answer more specific questions.

Forms for Clubs and Organizations

These forms require you to be logged in to your MyCorning account. If you are not already logged in, they will prompt you to log in. You can also find physical forms in the Student Life Office.

​Flyer Posting Guidelines

Guidelines for posting on the Student Activity boards and priority for signs: The student activity boards are reserved for events and activities supported by Student Life, Perry Hall, Student Association, or a SUNY CCC office. If you have questions, contact Student Life at 607-962-9002 or

Signs will be approved for:

  • Student Club/Organization sponsored events (including announcements of meetings)
  • SUNY CCC sponsored events
  • Resources of general interest to SUNY CCC students, sponsored by a College office

Typically, signs for outside fundraising, group recruitment, or personal announcement will not be approved. Signs advertising classes will be placed on boards in Chemung Hall only.

To request approval, bring 10 copies of your flyer to the Student Life Office in 202 Commons at least 2 weeks prior to your event. Once your sign is approved, Student Life staff will post on the boards within 5 business days.

Flyer guidelines:

  • Student Association funded clubs or organizations must have “Sponsored by Student Association” on the flyer.
  • Student club signs can use either a club created logo or the SUNY CCC logo, but should not use both logos. Contact Student Life for the SUNY CCC logo.
  • Any student club flyers that to be posted off-campus must meet college brand guidelines (which must include the SUNY CCC logo). Student club logos cannot be on the flyer.
  • Academic and/or institutional messages will not be posted on student activity boards. Contact the Marketing Department for options.
  • Flyers should be no larger than 8.5” X 14” (8.5 X 11 is preferred)
  • Flyers can be on any color paper and can be full color
  • Student Life staff reserve the right to ask you to edit flyers

Any organization or individual is able to post on general posting boards located next to Chemung 101 or across from the Barnes & Noble College Store in the Commons.