"How To" Manual For Clubs/Organizations

The following is a list of manuals:

Student Leadership
Club/Organization Formation & Membership
Sexual Violence Bill of Rights
Inactive Status or Loss of Club/Organization Recognition
How to Plan and Run a Meeting
Office Protocol
Service Project
Student Representation on Committees/Board
Club and Organization Advisor Responsibilities
Accounting Procedures
Planning an Event on Campus
Commons Table and Campus Room Reservations            
Information for Public Showings of Copyrighted Materials
Guidelines for Student Trips Off-Campus

This manual was designed to assist recognized clubs and organizations and their advisors:

  • Administer business relating to their group.
  • Successfully plan and conduct meetings.
  • Manage the club/organization office, budget and membership
  • Follow procedures as established by Student Association.

Questions may be addressed to the: Student Life office Commons Building, COM202, 607-962-9002, studentlife@corning-cc.edu

Student Association recognizes clubs and organizations that have:

  • Submitted an Executive Board Roster
  • Attended the “How To” program
  • Fulfilled all other duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Student Association Constitution.

Areas addressed in the Constitution are:

  • How to become a Club
  • How to become an Organization
  • Responsibilities of a Club or Organization
  • Responsibilities to the Student Association
  • Membership of the Student Association

Privileges Associated with Recognition as a Club or Organization:

  • Use of the SUNY Corning Community College name as part of its organizational name
  • Affiliation with SUNY CCC programs and activities
  • Use of college space, equipment, services and other resources as deemed appropriate
  • Access to administrative services as provided by Student Life & Student Association/Government Assembly (SAGA)
  • Sponsorship/promotion of activities on campus
  • Distribution of announcements on campus
  • Student Association Election information
  • Descriptions of the Student Association Executive Board (SAEB) positions
  • SAGA attendance policy for clubs and organizations

To form a club, see the guidelines listed in the Student Association Government Assembly Constitution.

Club/Organization resources, including the Student Association Constitution, forms, and budget may be found at www.corning-cc.edu/clubs-activities


As a member a club and/or organization of the SUNY Corning Community College Student Association, you are recognized as a student leader. With that, it is expected you are aware of your rights and responsibilities and the code of student conduct.

As a leader, one member of every club or organization will be required by Student Association to attend a “How To” program held each semester which focuses on the information outlined here. Executive board members are also required to annually attend consent training.

Minimally, one club member is required to be a member of our Red Baron Leadership Academy   to help develop their leadership skills and learn more about themselves as a leader on campus.


The State University of New York and Corning Community College are committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate in College/University-wide and campus programs, activities, and employment.

SUNY CCC Title IX Policy
SUNY CCC Guide to Determining Relevance
SUNY CCC Informal Resolution Procedure
SUNY CCC Decorum for Informal Grievance Process Hearings


For information on forming a club or organization, please refer to the Student Association Constitution, Article IV, Section I & II.

All clubs or organizations are open to any SUNY CCC student. Clubs and organizations must work with any student interested in their club to provide the means for their participation, whether in person or virtually.

All Executive Board members of any Club, SAEB, Student Judiciary officers and Chairperson of all student-run committees, shall be required to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA*, be in good academic standing, be in good conduct standing as determined by the Assistant Dean of Student Services and the Director of Student Life,as well as be enrolled in (6) credit hours per semester. The Student Trustee must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA*, be in good academic standing, be in good conduct standing as determined by the Assistant Dean of Student Services and the Director of Student Life, as well as be enrolled in at least twelve (12) credit hours per semester. SAEB and Club Officers must not have a “hold” on their student account for any reason. If a “hold” is identified, the Executive Board member must rectify or be in the process of rectifying the “hold” within one month of being notified. Proof the “hold” has been rectified will be required.*The cumulative average for the student’s overall GPA for all semesters while attending SUNY Corning Community College must be at least a 2.0 or higher. Students who are enrolled but have not completed their first semester are eligible as long as they meet all other criteria.


Prior to being declared inactive, an organization’s Advisor will be advised and given an opportunity to present relevant information on behalf of the organization. Such a meeting would be held with the Student Association President and Director of Student Life. Student Life may also declare an organization inactive for the following reasons:

Inactive Status
  1. Failure to maintain the required number of members in the organization (ten).
  2. Failure to maintain a club Advisor. Student Life staff may serve as a temporary Advisor for one semester.
  3. Failure to comply with budgetary requirements of club accounts when required.
  4. Failure to provide representation at meetings scheduled for all student organizations. See the Student Association Constitution, Article XI. 
  5. Failure to abide by the regulations set forth in the "How To" Manual or Student Association Constitution
Loss of Recognition

An organization’s loss of recognition may be declared by the Director of Student Life. An appeal of this action may be submitted in writing to the Assistant Dean of Student Services. A student Club or organization that has lost recognition will have its financial holds forfeited to the Student Club general funding pool. Should the Club wish to reestablish, students would begin by applying for Recognition as a new student club.

A Student Club will also be declared inactive and will forfeit its financial holdings after a period of inactivity for a period of two academic semesters excluding summer sessions.


Loss of recognition can occur after a single incident of the following:

  1. Willful or negligent violations of College policies, State or federal law.
  2. The club or organization is found responsible for events or activities that create unsafe conditions for members and participants
  3. Evidence of failure to abide by the Student Association Constitution and By-Laws (e.g. discrimination in membership, misappropriation of local revenue funds, etc.)
  4. Violation of the Student Code of Conduct



The President and the Executive Board members are responsible for establishing the meeting date, time and, location.  They should seek input from the other club/organization members to make this determination.  The meeting date and time should be convenient for the advisor. Groups are not limited to meeting during the College Hour. Anytime that works for the membership and Advisor can be considered.

Publicize the meeting date / time / location with ALL club/organization members and Advisor.


Agendas for meetings are highly encouraged, although not required, to maintain order and keep track of what is to be discussed. The President and Executive Board members of the club/organization are responsible for building the agenda. Any member of the club may request an item to be included on the agenda.

 The agenda could include the following:

  • The club name
  • The meeting date / time / location
  • Call the meeting to order
  • Old business
  • New business
  • Committee reports
  • Officers reports – each officer should be prepared to report on any club/organization business pertaining to his/her position.
  • Other – includes any pertinent business from the floor.
  • Announcements – includes any special announcements from the floor.
  • Announce the next meeting date/time/location.

BE SURE to set a specific amount of time for each item of discussion.


The President is responsible for running the meeting. If the President is unable to attend the meeting, remaining Executive Board officers would run the meeting.

One way to maintain order in your meeting is to follow parliamentary procedure. Parliamentary procedure need not be intricate or involved.  In fact, most groups rarely need to follow the procedures step by step. They can be used as a guide. The important part is that attendees learn from the meeting and find it useful.

The Secretary (or another note taker) is responsible for recording pertinent information during the meeting to create a Club Report and attendance. Minutes are required to be submitted to Student Association. Groups are required to record minutes to remind members what was discussed and to provides notes for future groups.

Leaders’ Responsibilities:

The President and/or Executive Board are responsible for the following:

  1. Introducing participants and helping new members feel welcome
  2. Explaining the purpose of the meeting
  3. Introducing special guests when applicable
  4. Facilitating discussion – encourage questions and identify issues
  5. Distribute handouts when appropriate, so they do not interfere with the meeting process


The President is responsible for keeping the meeting on task and keeping order to the meeting.  He/she should deal with disruptive behavior immediately.


  1. Call “point of order.”  The purpose is to regain control and focus of a meeting.  Any member may call “point of order." Be sure all members are aware of this.
  2. Make a public request for cooperation
  3. Call the meeting to order and/or call the individual to order.
  4. Ask a disruptive individual to leave the meeting.

After the Meeting:

The President is responsible for obtaining feedback from members regarding the meeting and checking with members regarding the tasks they were assigned.

The Club or Organization Senator is responsible for keeping the Student Association Government Assembly apprised of pertinent club/organization business and/or activities.



  1. Offices are for organization use ONLY.
  2. Offices may be used:
    1. 7:00am – 10:00pm, when classes are in session.
    2. During break weeks and summer, or on the weekend WITH permission from Student Life professional staff between the hours of 8:00am – 4:00pm.
  3. Students who are NOT members of the organization may be invited into the office by MEMBERS ONLY.  The member must be present at all times while the visitor is in the office.  The member is responsible for the visitor’s actions and behaviors.
  4. ONLY SUNY CCC students/employees may be invited into the office.
  5. The Code of Student Conduct MUST be followed at all times in the office.
  6. DO NOT attach anything to the ceilings in the office.
  7. The door to the office is fire resistant – DO NOT pin anything to it.  Masking tape is acceptable.
  8. Members’ office hours should be taped to the door so availability is known to students.
  9. Close all windows when leaving the office.
  10. Lock the door when leaving the office.  Never leave the door open with the office unattended by an organization member.
  11. Keep the office clean and neat (and free of old food items).
  12. Maintain basic office etiquette and business protocol.
  13. Supplies for the office may be purchased. Refer to Accounting Procedures
  1. Keys are available for each organization's office. Members of the organization may sign out a key from the Student Life Office. 
  2. The member must present his/her SUNY CCC student ID. when signing out the key.
  3. The member of the organization signing out a key must return the key.  
  4. The office door MUST remain closed and locked when not in use.
  5. The office door MUST NOT be locked when it is in use.
  1. Intercampus and outgoing mail may be sent from Student Life or the College mailroom located in the lower level of the Chemung Building.
  2. Expenses related to outgoing mail will automatically be charged to the organization budget at the end of each month.

A photocopier is available for student club use in the Student Life Office. A club/organization may use this copier for free when using the copier for club/organization business.



Every club/organization is encouraged to complete a service to the community project during the academic year within the following requirements.


  1. Volunteer services of a club/organization should contribute towards SUNY Corning Community College and/or the supporting tri-counties (i.e. Steuben, Chemung and Schuyler).  Volunteer services conducted for organizations/agencies outside the tri-county region will be approved on a case-by-case basis.
  2. The project is considered complete when:The club/organization members have fulfilled 2 (two) hours of time per semester.  Example: 1 member performing the service for 0.5 hour each 2-3 members performing the service for two hours each
  3. Details of the campus or community service project must be included in the End of Year Report.    


Various SUNY CCC committees and/or boards request student representation. Members of the Student Association Executive Board will serve on a committee or board. The Student Association Vice President is responsible for appointing student representatives to College committees/boards.

Committees/board includes:

  • Joint Council -President of SAGA
  • Educational Standards and Policies - 1 appointed student
  • Curriculum Committee - 1 appointed student
  • Instructional Resources Committee - 1 appointed student
  • Diversity Council- 1 appointed student
  • Sustainability Committee - 2 appointed students
  • Safety Committee - 5 appointed students

Chancellor’s Award for Excellence

  • Teaching - 1 appointed student
  • Administrator/Professional Service - 1 appointed student
  • Librarian Services - 1 appointed student
  • Scholarship & Creative Services - 1 appointed student
  • Faculty Service - 1 appointed student
  • Classified Services - 1 appointed student
  • Student - 1 appointed student

Other Committees

As requested, students may be asked to serve on other committees formed on campus.

Each student representative on a committee/board must provide a verbal report to the Student Association Government Assembly outlining the business discussed in the committee/board meetings. This report should take place at the Student Association Government Assembly meeting immediately following the committee meeting.

If the student representative is unable to attend the meeting, it is his/her responsibility to provide a report based on the published minutes of the meeting.


The success of a club/organization hinges on the participation of members, officers and advisor(s).


The Advisor’s primary responsibility is to advise and to serve as a resource person. By suggestions or comments, by constructive proposals or probing questions, the advisor can assist the club/organization in achieving the degree of mature thinking and considered action that tends to strengthen the club/organization and to assist in fulfilling its objectives.


    1. Assist the club/organization in administering an active and significant program.
    2. Ensure the club/organization operates within the confines of the 
    3. Student Association constitution, 
    4. Club/organization mission
    5. Corning Community College policies and procedures
    6. Code of Student Conduct.  

    For that reason, the Advisor must be familiar with these stated documents.

    1. Make certain the club/organization officers and members are familiar with the documents listed in #2.
    2. Encourage active participation from all club/organization members.
    3. A college employee MUST accompany the club/organization on any trip.  Also, provide the appropriate advice and guidance in relation to planning a trip. Therefore, the advisor must accompany the club/organization on trips or assist in securing a substitute. 
    4. Advise the club/organization officers in managing the budget.  The Advisor’s signature is required on all transactions relating to the budget.
    5. Be present at scheduled club/organization meetings. If the advisor is unable to attend a meeting, the club/organization is responsible for ensuring the Advisor is fully aware of everything that happened at the meeting.
    6. Provide advice and guidance in planning club/organization functions/events.  Be present at all functions/events organized by the club/organization.
    7. Provide the continuity necessary for activity to proceed from one year to the next.
    8. Serve as a liaison between the club/organization and the Student Life office.

The officers and members of the club/organization must adhere to certain responsibilities to the advisor.

  1.  Recognize the Advisor as an integral part of the club/organization:
    1. The Advisor’s schedule should be considered when determining meeting dates/times.
    2. The Advisor should be apprised and available for club/organization meetings and functions/events.
  2. Keep the Advisor fully informed of all business relating to the club/organization and the progress of plans for functions/events, etc. The President of the club/organization should meet regularly with the advisor to support this practice.
  3. Utilize the Advisor’s background and experience with the College.  Seek the Advisor’s advice on all matters relating to the club/organization.

NOTE: The most successful clubs/organizations have an active, strong alliance with the Advisor.



The revenue for Student Association comes from the Student Activity Fee paid by every student. A Student Association Budget Committee reviews the budget every spring to determine the allocation of those funds.

Each club/organization will receive 100% of their total budget in the fall.  Current balances can be obtained by visiting the Student Life Office.

Clubs/organizations may begin accessing their funds:

  1. When the club/organization has completed and submitted their Executive Board Roster to the Student Life Office.
  2. When the Executive Board of each club/organization has attended the “How To” program each fall. 



ALL budgetary transactions MUST be processed through Student Life. Clubs/organization CANNOT use off-campus banks.  

ALL budgetary transactions require a club/organization representative signature (typically a Treasurer or pPresident) and Advisor signature.

The club/organization Treasurer (or other designated officer) is responsible for tracking all revenues and expenses relating to the budget.  The Treasurer (or other designated officer) should report all revenues and expenses to the membership at each meeting.


Budget Summary

One member of the club is responsible keeping track of their available budget. If budget balances are needed, the President or Advisor can contact staff in Student Life for a balance. 

If discrepancies are found, the President (or Treasurer if the group has one)  is responsible for researching/resolving the problem. The Treasurer should:

  • Discuss the discrepancy with the club/organization Advisor and
  • Discuss the discrepancy with Student Life staff

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining a log of the discrepancy, any action taken, and when/how it was resolved.


New York State Tax Exemption

SUNY Corning Community College is a state institution and, therefore, exempt from paying state sales tax.  For all purchases in New York State, be sure to complete a tax exemption certificate.

  • Form ST-129 for hotel/motel expenses
  • Form AC 946 for all other expenses
Transaction Due Dates

All transaction for Accounting Office processing MUST be submitted BY 8:00am ON TUESDAY to the Student Life Office. Checks for transactions will be cut on Friday of the same week.

Advance requests (ex. for club/organization trips) MUST be submitted to Student Life TWO weeks prior to the departure date.

Petty Cash

Petty cash up to $25 is available for expenditures. Contact Student Life staff at least 1 week before you need the petty cash. A club/organization representative (President or Treasurer) and advisor signatures are REQUIRED. 

A receipt for expenses and any remaining cash must be submitted to Student Life within 48 hours.

Fundraising Activities:

All proceeds from fundraising activities must be deposited via the Student Life Office using the Fundraiser Deposit Form.

Deposits must be made:
  1. Within 48 hours of the fundraising activity or
  2. On a regular basis (if the fundraising activity will occur over a specified period of days/weeks).

A cash box for the fundraiser may be obtained from the Student Life Office. The request for this petty cash must be submitted to the Student Life Office at least 1 week in advance of the fundraising activity.

Blue Voucher Forms:

A voucher is used to pay for club/organization expenses (ex. invoices, payment to raffle winners, stipends, etc.)

All vouchers MUST contain:

  1. Vendor name and address.
  2. Vendor invoice number.
  3. Original invoice attached.
  4. Club/organization representative (typically President or Treasurer) signature.
  5. Advisor signature 

Vouchers for student stipends must include student’s name, address, CCC ID number, signature.

Advance Request

The Advance Request form must be completed for all expenses relating to a club/organization trip. Each type of expense is outlined on the Advance Request form (e.g. Rental car, lodging, meals, parking, tolls, conference fees, etc.). A Voucher (see above) must accompany the Advance Request Form for each expense.

The Advance Request and Vouchers must be submitted to the Student Life Office at least two (2) weeks prior to the trip.

Within 48 hours of returning from the trip the Advance Request must be settled. 

Settling an Advance Request includes:

  • Completing the “actual” and “difference” columns of the form
  • ALL receipts relating to the trip (e.g. hotel, meals, tolls, etc.)
  • Funds to be returned to the club/organization budget


  •  Proof that additional funds are due the Advisor
  • In this case, a new voucher made payable to the Advisor must be submitted with the settlement. 
Charge Cards:

The Accounting Office provides charge cards for the following local business:

  • Wegmans
  • WalMart

Each of these cards may be signed out in the Accounting Office by a club/organization representative (President or Treasurer). The Accounting Office will provide a PIN number for the card.

The process for using the card(s) is as follows:

  1. The club/organization representative will present the card at the register.
  2. The club/organization representative will sign a charge slip.
  3. The club/organization representative is responsible for returning and signing the card back in to the card to the Accounting Office.
  4. A Blue Voucher made payable to the business must be submitted to the Student Life Office within 24 hours.  The receipt for the purchase must be attached to the Voucher. Follow the Voucher procedures above.
Other Purchases:

Clubs/organizations can make purchases from Staples and Sam’s Club. 

    • Staples: Provide the product information to the Director of Student Life.  The order will be placed online and charged directly to the club/organization budget.
    • Sam’s Club: Provide the product information to the Director of Student Life. Contact Student Life office several days prior to your planned trip. Staff will let you know when you can pick up your Sam’s Club order.
Freezing Club/Organization Budgets

Be aware that Student Association may deny access to (freeze) any club/organization budget at any time if the Student Association Constitution and/or club/organization Constitution is not adhered to. See the Student Association Constitution, Article XII for more information on freezing of budgets.


For any questions/processes relating to transactions not mentioned here contact the Director of Student Life.


Fundraising activities for officially recognized clubs and organizations are encouraged to utilize student activities allocated funds.

  • Only officially recognized clubs and organizations are permitted to carry out fundraising activities.
  • Fundraising activities must be consistent with the stated purpose of the club/organization.
  • Fundraising activities must be consistent with and or adhere to the SUNY Corning Community College and/or Student Association mission and/or policies.  Only those fundraisers that project SUNY CCC and Student Association in a positive light will be approved.
  • Fundraising activities CANNOT be conducted for personal benefit or gain of any club/organization member.
  • Fundraising activities have to be voted on and approved by a majority of the members of the club or organization.
  • Following the decision/approval of the fundraising activity, a Fundraiser Request Form must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to the start of the activity.
  • Food sales are permitted in the following locations:
    • Popcorn Sales – Commons Lobby
    • Bake Sales – Commons Lobby or Chemung Lobby
    • Pizza Sales – Chemung or Steuben Hall lobby

These guidelines apply to all fundraising activities, on or off-campus, when SUNY CCC, Student Association and/or the club/organization name is used.

Popcorn Sales:
  • Student Association purchases all the necessary supplies for this fundraising activity.
  • 100% of the proceeds are retained by the club/organization.
  • Complete the Fundraiser Request Form and submit for approval at least two weeks prior to the activity.
  • Upon approval from Student Association, reserve a table, the popcorn machine and supplies for the Commons Lobby in the Student Life Office. Student Life personnel will make the necessary arrangements for the table/machine/supplies.
  • Arrange for the appropriate number of club/organization members to man the sale.
  • Obtain $25 in petty cash from the Student Life office
  • Arrange for appropriate advertising.
  • Arrange for the deposit of all proceeds within 48 hours of the sale. See Accounting procedures for details.
  • Thoroughly clean the area at the completion of the sale
Bake Sales:
  • 100% of the proceeds are retained by the club/organization.
  • Complete the Fundraiser Request Form and submit for approval at least two weeks prior to the activity.
  • Upon approval from Student Association, reserve a table for the Chemung Building Lobby in the Student Life Office.  On the day of the sale, retrieve a table and chairs from Maintenance personnel.
  • Arrange for club/organization members to provide baked goods for the sale.

NOTE:  Be sure the ingredients for each baked item are displayed and visible for customers.  This will ensure a customer does not purchase an item he/she may be allergic to.

  • Arrange for the appropriate number of club/organization members to man the sale.
  • Obtain $25 in petty cash from the Student Life office to establish a cash box to be used during the sale.  See Accounting procedures for details.
  • Arrange for appropriate advertising.
  • Arrange for the deposit of all proceeds within 48 hours of the sale. See Accounting procedures for details.
  • Thoroughly clean the area at the completion of the sale.
  • Return the table and chairs to the appropriate storage location.
  • Complete the Fundraiser Request Form and submit for approval at least two weeks prior to the activity.
  • If desired, upon approval from Student Association, reserve a table for the Commons Lobby in the Student Life Office to conduct sales.  Student Life personnel will make the necessary arrangements for the table.
  • Arrange for the appropriate number of club/organization members to man the sale.  Thoroughly clean the area at the completion of the sale.
  • Obtain $25. in petty cash from the Student Life Office to establish a cash box to be used during the sale.  See Accounting Office procedures for details.
  • Arrange for appropriate advertising.
  • Sales may be conducted off-campus.
  • Arrange for the deposit of all proceeds on a regular basis.  See Accounting procedures for details.
  • Cash payment to the winner is NOT permitted.  See Accounting procedures for details.
Private Vendors:

A private vendor is an individual/business looking to sell their goods on campus.

  • The private vendor MUST be sponsored by a club/organization.
  • Sales MUST take place in the Commons Lobby during regular SUNY CCC business hours.
  • The private vendor MUST be willing to give at least 15% of their gross sales to the sponsoring club/organization.
  • The private vendor MUST file a certificate of insurance with the Student Life Office.  The certificate must be renewed each calendar year.
  • Complete the Fundraiser Request Form and submit for approval at least two weeks prior to the activity.
  • Upon approval from Student Association, reserve a table for the Commons Building Lobby in the Student Life Office.  Student Life personnel will make the necessary arrangements for the table.
  • Arrange for the appropriate number of club/organization members to assist the private vendor as needed.
  • Arrange for the deposit of the proceeds from the private vendor within 48 hours of the sale.  See accounting procedures for details.
  • Thoroughly clean the area at the completion of the sale.



Discuss plans with club/organization members and advisor for any event your group would like to hold on campus.

All events must be approved by the club/organization members and recorded in the meeting minutes.  NOTE:  The club/organization advisor is required to be on hand during the entire event (from set-up to tear-down).

Six (6) weeks prior to the event:

  1. Contact Student Life staff to ensure the event you are planning does not conflict with another scheduled activity.
  2. Contact the Director of Student Life to:
  3. Ensure the space you need is available
  4. If available, reserve the space 
  5. Discuss set-up needs
  6. Contact the performer and request a contract and rider with complete details regarding their performance requirements.  Be sure to request a W-9 taxpayer for when applicable. (Refer to Accounting Procedures).
  7. Submit the contract to the Director of Student Life for review. The Director, Student Association Executive Board, and/or College Senior Staff has authority to deny any event that
  8. Is considered inherently dangerous to participants
  9. Violates SUNY CCC and/or SUNY policy/procedures
  10. Violates New York State or federal laws
  11. The Director of Student Life will contact the club/organization advisor to ensure he/she is fully aware of the event, contract, etc.
  12. The contract will be signed by the Director of Student Life and/or appropriate SUNY CCC staff where appropriate. The Director will provide advice/assistance regarding any special requests (ex. Hotel/travel, meals, etc.).

Four (4) weeks prior to the event:

  1. Submit a copy of the contract with a voucher to the Student Life office so payment may be generated for the performer.  Present the check to the performer following the event.
  2. Determine the structure of ticket sales, if applicable.
  3. Submit a food and/or beverage request to American Dining.
  4. Meet with the Director of Student Life to arrange set-up needs required by the performer, for the food/beverages, ticket sales, etc. The Director will provide advice regarding any other special needs (ex. Public Safety on staff, etc.)
  5. Arrange for publicity.  Submit appropriate Marketing request form if needed. 

Two (2) weeks prior to the event:

  1. Submit posters to the Student Life Office for posting on campus bulletin boards.  (Refer to Posting Policies)
  2. Meet with the Director of Student Life to make any final set-up arrangements.
  3. The Student Association Senator should be prepared to announce the event at the Student Association Government Assembly Meeting. 
  4. Make arrangements with club/organization members to ensure the event is properly staffed (ex. ticket sales, load-in, load-out, clean-up).

One (1) day prior to the event:

  1. Call the performer to confirm details (date/time/location, etc.)
  2. Verify the check is ready in the Student Life
  3. Meet with the Director of Student Life to ensure final arrangements are in place.

Day of the event:

  1. Retrieve the check from the Student Life Office.  Present the check to the performer at the end of the event.
  2. Ensure all functions related to the event are properly staffed by club/organization members (ex. Ticket sales, load-in, load-out, clean-up).
  3. Record attendance

Day after the event:

  1. Deposit all monies with the Accounting Office. Refer to Accounting procedures.


One (1) week after the event:

  1. Review all details of the event with the club/organization members and advisor.

Determine:  the final cost of the event, the profit from the event, number of people who attended the event, any other pertinent information related to the event.

NOTE:  SUNY Corning Community College and Student Association prohibit the use of alcohol at any events.

The SUNY CCC food service provider has exclusive rights to cater events.  If a club/organization is considering an alternate food service, permission must be sought from American Dining.

SUNY CCC has separate policies regarding facilities reservations, external groups, and political events. This manual does not supersede any SUNY CCC policies.


The Commons has a variety of opportunities for you to promote or support your club/organization or event. To best accommodate all requests, please acknowledge that the following policies are in place to serve as many programs as possible.

Tabling is subject to limitation on days with scheduled large-scale events in or outside the Commons. The Commons can accommodate up to 6 tables and open space for collection boxes promoting your campus event.

Reserving a Table
  • Tables in the Commons need to be reserved in advance in Student Life.
    • Campus recruiters, military recruitment, and employment opportunities are coordinated through the Career and Transfer Services.
    • Voter registration tables or drives are coordinated through the Executive Director of Auxiliary Campus Services.
  • Tabling space is located on the main floor inside the main entrance.
  • Table space is available to all SUNY Corning Community College registered student clubs/organizations and departments.
  • There are 6 tables available per day. Each table is 8’ length.
  • Groups have the table from 9:00 AM through 9:00 PM on the day of their reservation.
  • Tables must be staffed at ALL times they are reserved and representatives must stay within a one foot radius of the table. If your table does not have staff present, we reserve the right to remove your materials and cancel your reservation.
  • All hanging items must be affixed to your table only. You may NOT hang items on chairs, walls, windows, entrances, or pillars. All hanging items must be removed at the conclusion of your event.
  • Groups are limited to one table and two chairs. Due to space limits, each table can only have two seated participants.
Table Guidelines
  • Tables may be used to exhibit or distribute free noncommercial announcements, statements, and materials. Views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of SUNY Corning Community College.
  • Student clubs/organizations that are conducting fundraisers should coordinate with the Student Association and follow their fundraising policies.
    • Bake sales and popcorn sales are the only food sales permitted in the Commons.
    • All food sale items must have a listing of ingredients and possible allergens (peanuts, flour, etc…) and must be able to be stored at room temperature.
    • Products of services that compete directly with those sold by American Dining Creations or Barnes & Noble will not be permitted.
  • Groups/vendors/displays are not permitted to promote directly or indirectly the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscene materials or material that would violate SUNY Corning Community College policy.
  • Credit card sales or promotions or solicitation is not permitted.
  • Music, sound equipment, entertainment, or speeches are not permitted at these tables.
  • Hanging banners, advertisements, flags, or other décor is not permitted.
Collection Boxes/Drives
  • Groups or departments that are doing collections for service must reserve their location in advance with Student Life for any boxes located in the Commons.
  • If the group/department would like boxes in other campus buildings, they must make arrangements with the department overseeing those facilities.
  • Collection Boxes may be permitted in the Commons for up to 3 weeks (21 days).
  • These spaces must be reserved in advance and are on a first‐come, first‐serve basis.
  • Collections boxes will be permitted near the recycling centers in the Commons.
  • The collection box must have a sign including the following information.
    • Collection Purpose
    • Collection Benefactor
    • Collection Sponsor (group or department host)
    • Contact Person
    • Contact Information (phone, email)
    • Collection Start Date and End Date
  • Groups/departments should make regular stops at the drop boxes to collect items.
  • Student Life is not responsible for lost or stolen box(es) and/or contents within the box(es) as it is a public place. We CAN NOT guarantee the safety of your collection drive.
  • The group must remove the collection box at the completion of the collection period.



There are multiple venues to advertise events:

  • Flyers posted on Student Activity boards on campus
  • MyCCC Events
  • MyCCC Announcements
  • Posters in Commons and Chemung Lobby
  • SUNY CCC social media (reserved for large scale programs)

Student Life’s posting policies for student activities boards are available here.

All venues have time, space, and topic limitations. Contact Student Life for more information.



A license is required for any public showing of a pre-recorded film/video or streaming video. DVDs that are available for download, personal rental, or retail purchase provide the renter or buyer the right to exhibit the movie for home use only. These motion pictures do not include a license for showing outside one's home. Even personally-owned copies and “home use” versions of films obtained from video retailers are not cleared for public performance use because proper licensing fees to the copyright owners have not been paid for such use. You can find the complete law on film copyrights in the U.S. Copyright code, title 17, found at: www.copyright.gov/title17.

There are three exceptions under Copyright Law:

  1. Educator’s Performance Rights: There is a clause in the U.S. Copyright Law which gives exemption to the law through the Educator’s Performance Rights. ALL six of the qualifications below must be met in order to show a film using the Educator’s Performance Rights.
    1. Performances and displays of audiovisual works must be made from legitimate copies;
    2. Performances and displays must be part of a systematic course of instruction and not for the entertainment, recreation, or cultural value of any part of the audience;
    3. Performances and displays must be given by the instructors or pupils;
    4. Performances and displays must be given in classrooms or other places devoted to instruction;
    5. Performances and displays must be part of the teaching activities of nonprofit educational institutions; and
    6. Attendance is limited to the instructors, pupils, and guest lecturers.
  2. Public Domain: There are some films which fall under “public domain” and are not subject to licensing. You can find a complete listing of such films at www.fesfilms.com/masters.html. Most of these films are pre-1950.
  3. Short Clips: Showing a short clip less than 15 seconds from any movie can be done without acquiring a license. Any clip longer than 15 seconds requires appropriate permission and licensing.

Questions to ask when planning your film screening:

  • Am I showing/screening a copyrighted media item to audiences outside of regular class times in a public space?
  • Is the screening open to the public where access is not restricted?
  • Are the individuals attending outside the normal circle of family and acquaintances, such as showing a film to a club or organization or even for a class, but inviting others to attend? Please remember all SUNY CCC clubs and organizations are open for all students to attend.

If you answered yes to any of the above, you would need to begin the process to secure public performance rights for your screening.

In order to legally show a film or any copyrighted material publicly on campus, a person must do one of the following:

  1. Contact a motion picture distribution company such as Swank Motion Pictures, Inc or Criterion and pay the appropriate fee to acquire the rights to show a particular film. The fee will vary depending on the film (typically starting at $300). Requests should be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance to ensure its availability in the desired format.
  2. Find out who owns the rights to the film you wish to exhibit and contact them to request use of the film. You can find this information at www.imdb.com. Authorization to use the film must be obtained in writing.
  3. Contact Student Life and collaborate with them

SUNY CCC purchases licenses from BMI, ASCAP, and SECAI to publicly play music in it’s campus venues.



Off-campus trips are considered those are not within our service area of the Spencer Hill Campus to the Elmira Center.

  • Discuss all ideas with club/organization advisor.
  • The advisor and/or members must meet with the Director of Student Life to discuss logistics of the trip at the beginning stages of planning.
  • The club membership must agree on the trip and details and this should be reflected in meeting minutes.
  • The trip must be co-curricular in relation to the club/organization mission
  • All trips MUST have one advisor for every ten (10) students
  • The club/organization is responsible for the ALL Advisor’s expenses related to the trip.
  • ONLY SUNY CCC students may travel. Advisors may invite their significant other on the trip.  The club/organization is NOT responsible for any expenses related to the spouse/significant other.
  • All trips must be approved by the Advisor and Director of Student Life.
  • Travel within the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico is permitted.
  • Travel to Canada and Puerto Rico requires passports.  Passports are the responsibility of each traveler.
  • Travel outside the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico MAY be permitted with approval from and discussion with the Director of Student Life.
  • Each traveler must meet requirements for travel (such as passport, medical shots, etc.)
  • The club/organization MUST purchase additional liability insurance for the trip, which could cost upwards of $1,500 per group. 
  • NO ONE (Advisor or Students) may purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages – REGARDLESS OF AGE.
  • Cohabitation among students is NOT allowed – regardless of marital status.
Waivers of Responsibility:

Each student MUST complete a Waiver of Responsibility Form.

  • The Advisor is responsible for submitting the completed Waivers to the Director of Student Life to review two weeks prior to the trip. 
  • Waivers are shared with the Office of Public Safety
Vehicle Procedures:
  • Vehicles will be rented from a local rental agency for the purpose of club/organization trips.
  • ONLY the Advisor may drive rented vehicles.
    • Advisors may NOT use personal vehicles for use on trips unless special clearance is obtained by the Director of Student Services in consultation with Senior Staff.
    • Advisors must complete a Request for Approved Driver Status form.
  • Students may NOT drive rented vehicles
  • Students may NOT drive personal vehicles for use on trips.
Trip Funding and Accounting Details:
  • If Conference and Travel funds are provided in the club/organization budget, that club/organization must MATCH those funds (via fund-raising efforts, etc.) prior to obtaining approval for the trip.[WU1] 
    If Conference and Travel funds are NOT provided in the club/organization budget, that club/organization must raise all the necessary funds for the trip.
  • The Advance Request form and accompanying Vouchers must be submitted to the Accounting Office at least two (2) weeks prior to the trip.
  • The Advance Request should include all the expense related details of the trip.
  • A Voucher for each expense must be submitted with the Advance Request.  Ex. Hotel, conference fees, rental vehicle
  • A Voucher made payable to the Advisor must be submitted with the Advance Request.  These funds requested will account for expenses requiring cash (i.e. meals, gas, tolls, etc.)  This Voucher CANNOT be made payable to a student.
Reservations: Hotel/Vehicle
  • The Advisor is responsible for making all hotel and vehicle arrangements for the trip.
  • Reservations for the vehicle should be made at least two weeks prior to the trip.  
  • A personal credit card CANNOT be used to “hold” hotel or vehicle reservations.  If a credit card is required to hold reservations, the Director of Student Life may assist with this transaction.
    Insurance offered by the vehicle rental agency MUST be purchased to cover any accident related expenses.  Failure to purchase this insurance coverage will result in the Advisor taking full responsibility of any claims.
  • The Voucher submitted with the Advance Request form will generate payment to the hotel for the reservations.
  • Payment for the vehicle must be arranged with the rental agency.
  • CONFIRM all reservations two days prior to the trip.
Trip Itinerary:

An itinerary MUST be submitted at least two days prior to the trip to:

  • Director of Student Services
  • Each club member traveling on the trip.

This itinerary should include:

  • Name of club/organization
  • Names of each traveler – including the advisor
  • Details pertaining to personal vehicles that will remain on campus during the trip
  • Departure and return dates and times.
  • Destination and hotel information.
  • Emergency contact information (preferably the Advisor’s name with a phone number)
Following the trip:

Within 48 hours, the Advance Request MUST be settled with the Accounting Office including all receipts, etc.

Behavior on trips:

Students and advisors are representatives of SUNY Corning Community College and Student Association when traveling. Each person is responsible for professional conduct and presenting a positive image while on the trip.

Failure to properly represent the College or Student Association may result in:

  • Being disbanded from Student Association and/or
  • Facing Student Judiciary charges and/or
  • Disciplinary action (including but not limited to removal from the institution).



How do you delineate what constitutes a college-sponsored trip?

If the group is using the College name in ANY fashion and/or if the group is using the club/organization budget and/or funds raised by club/organization members.

All expenses relating to the trip must be processed through the SUNY CCC Accounting Office.  All students participating in a trip must complete the Waiver of Responsibility

What measures are taken to ensure students understand the college expectations prior to the trip, as well as liability concerns?

The advisor should review expectations prior to the trip. This review should include: 

  • No drugs, alcohol, or cohabitation.
  • Students must comply with the SUNY CCC Code of Student Conduct and policies/procedures at their destination.
  • Students must complete the Waiver of Responsibility.
  • Encourage students to leave emergency contact information with a next of kin.

If the advisor is not comfortable reviewing the expectations, the Director of Student Services, upon request, will conduct this review.

Does the trip policy permit anyone other than current students to participate?  (e.g. college employees, former students, friends of current students, alumni)
  • Non-SUNY CCC students are NOT allowed to participate in club/organization trips.
  • Employees are allowed to travel (including his/her significant other) as they are covered under separate college insurance.
Does a college employee accompany students on the trip?

YES!  Any group of students MUST have an advisor with them at a ratio of 10 (ten) students to 1 (one) advisor.  If the official club/organization advisor is unable to attend, he/she may ask another college employee to attend the trip in his/her place.  The club/organization is responsible for all of the advisor’s trip related expenses.

The employee is responsible for ensuring all participants follow college policies and procedures, the Code of Student Conduct, and the policies and procedures at their destination.

What will happen if a club/organization experiences behavior issues on a trip?

Student Association may take action if a club/organization does not adhere to policies, procedures and the Code of Student Conduct.  That action may include:

  • Disbanding the club/organization from Student Association.
  • Disciplinary action for the students and/or advisor.