Cameron Manufacturing
Cameron Manufacturing & Design and CCC share a goal and a need for an educated citizenry,
so when the opportunity to contribute to the Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. Library Capital
Campaign presented itself, Cameron didn’t hesitate.
“At Cameron, we rely on each other to succeed so we seek talented people,” said Chris Goll, President of Cameron. “Nearly 10% of our employees got their start at CCC. It’s in Cameron’s best interest to make sure CCC has everything it needs to prepare highly qualified skilled employees for a variety of professions, from welding to machining to accounting.”
In addition to supporting the Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. Library Capital Campaign, Cameron contributed materials to the College’s Welding Program, which enrolled its first class in the Spring of 2015.
CCC's Welding Instructor, Cheryl Barton, has been a welder since 1996, and has worked at Cameron Manufacturing & Design, as well as CAF USA in Elmira Heights.