Sustainability Studies

Our Program

The Sustainability Studies A.S. program is designed for those who love the environment and are passionate about preserving it. With Spencer Crest Nature and Research Center serving as an outdoor classroom, you will receive practical, hands-on learning opportunities.  Program Outline


The Sustainability Studies A.S. program prepares students to transfer for career goals including:
Job Title Degree Needed Regional/State Job Outlook Regional/State Average Entry Earnings
Conservation Scientists Bachelor's Favorable / - $49,030 / $48,940
Legal Support Worker Bachelor's Very Fav. / Favorable            - / $38,150
Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health Bachelor's Very Fav. / Very Fav. - / $56,750
Business Operations Specialist Bachelor's Very Fav. / Very Fav. $45,210 / $57,310
Environmental Engineer Bachelor's Favorable / - $60,350 / $66,270


Our Faculty

Highlighted for this program: David Pindel, Donna Moore Powers, Jennifer O'Hara
Staff: Jennifer Sellers

Program Contact

Deborah Beall, ADI Professional Studies