NYS Basic Police Academy
SUNY Corning Community College offers two options to complete the NYS Basic Police
Academy. For
individuals who are yet to be hired by a law enforcement agency, you should enroll
in the College’s Police
Basic Training Certificate.
For individuals who are pre-hired, the college offers a non-credit NYS-approved Police
Basic Academy.
Phase I of the program which is 587.5 hours, meets/exceeds the minimum required by
The areas of Instruction for the Police Basic Academy are:
1. Administration of Justice;
2. Intro to LE;
3. Laws of New York;
4. LE Skills;
5. Community Interaction;
6. Mass Casualties;
7. Law Enforcement Medical Training and
8. Investigations.
Also included in this program is Physical Training (65 hours).
Police officers who successfully complete this training will complete their certification
Phase II, including Supervised Field Training delivered by the hiring department.
Registration for the non-credit academy must come from the hiring department.
For more information, please contact the Southern Tier Law Enforcement Academy at
607-936-7397 or ilearn@corning-cc.edu.