Diabetes Initiative

Food For Life: Diabetes Initiative - How Food Fights Diabetes

FoodsThe road to diabetes does not have to be a one way street. There is hope.  This eight-class Diabetes Initiative series provides the knowledge, tools, and lifestyle  strategies to help individuals reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and to manage and even  reverse the disease.

Classes are intended for those with diabetes, pre-diabetes, a family  history or risk factors for developing diabetes, and their loved ones. Each class in the program  will feature nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, and food sampling.


Training Offered:

To Be Determined

Corning Community College Health Education Center
Room 111
132 Denison Parkway East, Corning, NY 14830


register here

Cancellations with less than 3 days notice or failure to attend (No Shows) the first day of class will not qualify for a refund or reduction of charges.

Students may cancel 3 days or more prior to the day of class and receive a full refund. We solidify dates with instructors 3 days prior to the start of the class (or reschedule/cancel) and it is dependent upon enrollment. Cancellations with less than 3 days notice can not be refunded). Notification maybe done by phone to the Office of Workforce Education (607-936-5501) or email to ilearn@corning-cc.edu

Email ilearn@corning-cc.edu or call 607-936-5501 for more information on upcoming dates or opportunities for your corporate training needs!

SUNY Corning Community College is committed to ensuring equal access to students with disabilities. If you believe that you will need accommodations while taking this course, please contact Accessibility Services by phone 607-962-9262 or email Accessibility@corning-cc.edu to begin the process of requesting accommodations. We strive to coordinate accommodations in a timely manner, but some accommodations may not be available when you need them if you do not give timely notice.

Instructor Mary Ellen Bunce

Mary Ellen Bunce

MaryEllen Bunce is a licensed Food For Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee For  Responsible Medicine. After struggling with a debilitating chronic illness for over 10 years,  MaryEllen discovered plant based nutrition. A whole food plant based diet saved her life,  igniting a passion and purpose. 

MaryEllen holds a plant-based nutrition certificate through The Center For Nutrition Studies at  Cornell University. In 2022, she completed Rouxbe plant-based professional culinary school.  MaryEllen teaches disease prevention and reversal classes as well as cooking classes in the  community. Together with her husband John, MaryEllen runs Plants4living. “Helping people  discover the power they have to control their health is an incredible privilege. It is amazing how  quickly the body can heal itself when we provide it with the right resources. My life is a living  testimony of this.”