Nursing AAS

Welcome to the Nurse Education Program at SUNY Corning!

Prof Lisa Teaching Nursing

Applications for the Fall 2025 semester are closed.

For more information please click on the following:

FALL 2025 Nursing Application (CLOSED)

ATI TEAS Exam Dates

TEAS Admission Exam Information

How to Register for ATI Exam at Corning

LPN Advanced Placement

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at SUNY Corning Community College prepares nurses who are capable of administering safe, effective patient-centered care to an individual or a group of individuals with a variety of health care needs. The Associate Degree Nurse functions both as a team member and as a manager of patient care. Our curriculum will provide the general knowledge and skills to begin your career as an entry-level nurse. The state-of–the-art simulation lab allows students to develop essential critical thinking skills in today’s complex and ever changing healthcare environment.

Graduates of the Nurse Education program are eligible to apply for the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Upon successful completion of the exam, the graduate meets minimum standards according to the New York State Board of Nursing to practice as a Registered Nurse.

At the time of submission of an application for licensure, the applicant is required to report a history of a felony or misdemeanor, or if such charges are pending. State Boards of Nursing will review the information submitted by the applicant and will determine if the applicant is legible for licensure. A history of a felony or a misdemeanor may jeopardize the applicant’s eligibility for licensure by state Boards of Nursing. Prospective applicants with a felony or misdemeanor are encouraged to discuss their situation with the Board of Nursing in the state where licensure is being sought.

Persons intending to practice nursing in New York should contact the New York State Board of Nursing, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234 (815-474-3817). Those intending to practice nursing in Pennsylvania should contact the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing, PO Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717-783-7142).


SUNY Corning Community College’s Nurse Education Program is approved by the New York State Board of Education and has been awarded accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).  The most recent ACEN site visit was Nov. 2022, and the program received continuing accreditation with conditions for Standard 6.2.  The next site visit is Fall 2030.  Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326 (404-975-5000); fax (404-975-5050); or

Nursing Admissions

How to apply to the nursing program

The nursing program is designed for full time or part time study and maybe completed in a minimum of two academic years of full-time study. The four semester sequence of nursing courses, which begins each fall semester, must be completed sequentially. Students who desire part-time study may complete the general degree requirements before seeking admission.

Admission Criteria

To be eligible to be admitted to the AAS Program the following requirements must be met:

  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 (77%) or higher 
  • High School Transcript or GED Certificate
  • TEAS Admission Assessment score of 62% or higher (within past two years)
  • Students must have completed ALL  AAS Nursing prerequisite courses in the fall or winter term prior to the submission of the nursing application in the spring semester.
  • Students must have completed all developmental courses (see prerequisites below), placed in ENGL 1010 based on CCC assessments tests, and must be eligible to take MATH 1150 or higher by assessment tests.
  • Students must successfully complete courses in biology either in high school (with a grade of 75% or its letter grade equivalent or higher) or in college (with a grade of C or higher) within the past 5 years. 
  • Students must successfully complete courses in chemistry either in high school (with a grade of 75% or its letter grade equivalent or higher) or in college (with a grade of C or higher).

Steps to apply

  1. Apply to SUNY CCC
  2. Review Information Session presentations to learn more about program guidelines and expectations.
  3. Apply to the nursing program. Students must apply for acceptance into the nursing program through the Department of Nurse Education. Applications are reviewed after February 1st. Students who are not accepted must reapply using the same process for admission in the future.
  4. Submit your high school transcripts, college transcripts, military transcripts, and/or high school equivalency diploma and test scores to the Department of Nurse Education by February 1st.
  5. Complete your placement tests as well as any additional testing.
  6. Create your personal account with ATI and complete the TEAS Assessment Test


Course Requirements


Fall Semester 17 Credits

  • BIOL 1210 - Anatomy & Physiology I

  • ENGL 1010 - English Composition I

  • NURS1200 – Fundamentals/Health Assessment

  • NURS1300 – Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing

  • HLTH1510 – Introduction to Nutrition

Spring Semester 17 Credits

  • BIOL 1220 - Anatomy & Physiology II

  • ENGL 1020 - English Composition II

  • NURS1600 – Medical-Surgical Nursing I

  • NURS1650 – Behavioral Health Nursing

  • NURS1675 – Pharmacology for Nursing


Fall Semester 16 Credits

  • BIO 2010 - General Microbiology

  • PSYC1101 – Introduction to Psychological Science
  • NURS2200 – Maternal-Child Nursing

  • NURS2250 – Medical-Surgical Nursing II

  • NURS2300 – Transition to Practice

Spring Semester 14 Credits

  • MATH 1150 – Quantitative Reasoning II 

  • PHIL1300 – Current Moral Issues

  • NURS2400 – Population Health/Leadership in Nursing

  • NURS2600 – Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing




  • The Nursing Program has required educational components in all of the following areas: classroom, clinical facilities and the nursing skills lab.
  • Each student enrolled in the Nursing program must meet the mathematics proficiency requirements at designated points during the program.
  • Clinical experiences for nursing students are scheduled by the Nursing Department and may include day and/or evening and weekend timeframes.  Specialty areas may have evening and/or weekend clinical hours assigned. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to clinical and community facilities in Steuben and surrounding counties. All clinical components run concurrently with lecture. In order to progress, students must satisfactorily complete all clinical components.
  • In order to progress, students must also complete assignments in the Nursing Skills Lab. These assignments are completed both inside and outside of class time.
  • The Nursing Program must be completed within 4 academic years of the date of enrollment in Nursing Courses.
    Students must receive a "C" or better in all Nursing, Biology, and Microbiology courses in order to progress in the Program.



The Student learning Outcomes at SUNY Corning Community College incorporates national and professional standards.

Upon completion of the SUNY Corning Community College Nurse Education program, it is expected that the graduate will be able to:

  1. Integrates theoretical knowledge of nursing and implements patient-centered nursing care through interdisciplinary teamwork, therapeutic communication, clinical judgment, professional standards of safe care, and the nursing process.

  2. Model professional standards of practice within an ethical legal framework to provide safe, competent, quality care.

  3. Demonstrate a commitment to the nursing profession by analysis of own personal growth and professional development while functioning to achieve and promote desired health outcomes.

  4. Facilitate communication with patients, families and communities through the use of informatics and technology in the healthcare system to provide established standards of care that incorporate evidence-based professional practice.

  5. Integrates patient-centered care for a diverse population across the life span utilizing knowledge from the sciences and critical thinking to promote safe and competent nursing care.

SUNY Corning Community College Institutional Learning Outcomes

The Nurse Education Program’s End of Program Student learning Outcomes are congruent with College’s outcomes for all graduates.

1. Demonstrate critical thinking.
2. Communicate effectively orally and in writing, and through other modes of expression.
3. Utilize research, apply scientific reasoning and mathematical concepts, and employ creative techniques to solve problems.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and skill proficiency in their program of study.
5. Apply information literacy skills necessary to support continuous, lifelong learning.
6. Demonstrate cultural and global awareness and civic knowledge.
7. Demonstrate growth in professional and personal development.


Nursing Program Outcomes include goals for NCLEX pass rates, program completion and employment after graduation.

Associate Dean, Division of Professional Studies: Deb Beall