Fire Protection Technology Micro-Credentials
Stackable to Degree Program
The Fire Protection Technology: Interior Operations, Fire Protection Technology: Exterior Operations, and Fire Protection Technology: Leadership Development micro-credentials align with requirements for the Directed Studies A.A.S. program should students choose to continue their education after obtaining the micro-credential.
Fire Protection Technology: Exterior Operations
This micro-credential will instruct the student in basic fire behavior and principles of fire science. The student will demonstrate the ability to perform basic exterior firefighting skills, understand the basic principles of hazardous material management, demonstrate clear communication during emergency response training, and demonstrate skills needed to respond to a variety of emergency situations, including CPR.
Fire Protection Technology: Exterior Operations Micro-credential Outline
Fire Protection Technology: Interior Operations
This micro-credential will prepare the student to initiate interior fire attack while understanding hose advancement, air consumption, and tactical skills such as forcible entry and ventilation skills. The student will be prepared to complete search and rescue for victims and practice self-rescue in survival situations. Students will also experience vehicle fire extinguishment as well as hazardous material understanding.
Fire Protection Technology: Interior Operations Micro-credential Outline
Fire Protection Technology: Leadership Development
The leadership micro-credential prepares the student to develop effective strategies, tactics, and communication for leadership at emergency incidents. The student will gain fundamental knowledge of the necessary administrative functions of the company officer and basic knowledge of responsibilities and leadership to assist in leading others. A basic understanding of building construction, incident pre-planning, and post-incident analysis will be examined. This micro-credential will also focus on community relations and assisting in the delivery of emergency services.
Fire Protection Technology: Leadership Development Micro-credential Outline
Program Contact
Deborah Beall, ADI Professional Studies