Mechanical Technology: CAD Design

Our Program

cad classThe Mechanical Technology: CAD Design A.A.S. program represents a blend of applied design theory with the most recent innovations in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Rapid Prototyping, Computer Numerical Control and traditional industrial practices. Initial courses focus on topics common to all technical fields, including mathematics, engineering graphics, machine tools, and basic electricity. Subsequent courses become more specialized as students apply computer technology to problems related to machine design and automation.

Graduates are prepared to use a CAD system for design, manufacture, and analysis; select materials, and design mechanical components and systems; perform technician assignments involving measurements, test equipment, data recording and analysis; communicate and understand technical terminology; use word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software; and recognize and use project management techniques.

Should students decide to continue their education at the four-year college level, courses transfer for Bachelor of Science degrees in Mechanical Technology, Manufacturing Technology, and Manufacturing Engineering Technology.

Program Outline


The Mechanical Technology: CAD Design A.A.S. program prepares students for career goals including the following:
Job Title Degree Needed Regional/State Job Outlook Regional/State Average Entry Earnings
Mechanical Engineering Technicians Associate's Favorable / Favorable $37,090 / $48,370
Industrial Machinery Mechanics Associate's Very Fav. / Favorable $42,310 / $44,030
Industrial Production Managers Bachelor's Favorable / Favorable $83,590 / $85,780
Mechanical Drafters Associate's - / - $45,330 / $48,220


Our Faculty

Highlighted for this program: Andy Diffenderfer,  Michael Gwin

Department Chair, Technology, Engineering, Computing, Art: Joe DeLeone

Transfer Agreement

Alfred State College

Program Contact

Brad Cole, ADI STEM


SUNY CCC offers this degree in conjunction with Alfred State.