Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences A.S.


The Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences A.S. program prepares students to transfer for career goals including the following:
Job Title Degree Needed Regional/State Job Outlook Regional/State Average Entry Earnings
Editor  Bachelor's Degree - / Favorable $41,380 / $54,490
Lawyer Professional Degree Very Favorable / Very Favorable $67,700 / $95,340
Legislator Bachelor's Degree Favorable / Favorable $106,410 / $83,050
Librarian Master's Degree Very Favorable / Favorable - / $52,780
Public Relations Specialist Bachelor's Degree Very Favorable / Very Favorable $46,210 / $50,750
School Psychologist Doctoral or Professional Degree Favorable / Very Favorable - / $64,280
College Professor: Social Sciences  Doctoral Degree Very Favorable / Favorable $63,660 / $55,500
Social Worker Bachelor's Degree Very Favorable / Very Favorable $42,610 / $48,800

Source: NY State Department of Labor

Our Faculty

Social Sciences: Economics - Robert Kephart; History - Sky Moss; Psychology - Deb Borden, Lee Gernert-Larrea; Sociology
Communications: Christine Atkins, Dann Coble, Edward Dougherty, Emma Draper-Reich, Marie Hannan-Mandel, Ryan Hersha
Humanities: Art - Hiram Cray, Gloriann Langva; Languages -  Michael Beykirch;  Music; Philosophy; Theatre - Mary Guzzy  

Program Contact

Deborah Beall, Associate Dean of Instruction, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies,

Program Outline