Electrical Technology - Electronics

Our Program

The Electrical Technology – Electronics A.A.S. program is designed for the rapidly growing field of electronics.  The program stresses both electronic design and hands-on experiences, and you will gain knowledge in multiple aspects of the field.  Program Outline

Common Employers for graduates of this program: NYSEG, Corning Inc., CAF USA, and many others


The Electrical Technology - Electronics A.A.S.program prepares students for career goals including the following:
Job Title Degree Needed  Regional/State
Job Outlook
Average Entry Earnings
Repairers, Com./Industry
Associate's Favorable / - - / $64,900
Engineering Technicians
Associate's  Very Fav. / - - / $45,190

Source: https://dol.ny.gov/employment-projections

Our Faculty

Highlighted for this program: Kiflom Gebremichael

Department Chair, Technology, Engineering, Computing: Joe DeLeone

Program Contact

Brad Cole, ADI STEM colebs@corning-cc.edu