Criminal Justice

Police Basic Training Certificate

The program has been approved by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services to meet Phase I of the Police Academy Training. (Phase II occurs after employment.) Entry into the program requires approval from the program coordinator, and completion of all remediation requirements. This certificate is not a guarantee of employment. No persons with a felony conviction in any state will be accepted.

Graduates of this certificate program will have attained a level of expertise in the areas of: New York State Laws, crime scene investigations, physical training, defensive tactics, emergency medical services, emergency vehicle operations, and many other ancillary police activities sufficient for New York State Phase I Certification.

26 credit hours of this program can be applied towards the completion of the Criminal Justice AAS degree and 19 credit hours of this program can be applied towards the completion of the Criminal Justice AS degree.

Program Information - Police Basic Training

Criminal Justice A.A.S

A rewarding, action-oriented career in Criminal Justice begins with a balanced combination of law enforcement theory and practical experience. Anchored in a solid curriculum that includes liberal arts courses, the Criminal Justice program prepares students for careers in law enforcement, security, investigation, corrections, military intelligence, and other related professions. To qualify for positions in the criminal justice field, graduates usually must pass a written civil service examination, physical agility tests and are subject to background investigations.

Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the criminal justice system, the causes of criminal conduct, and the response to criminal behavior; demonstrate beginning application of law; understand the value of ethical behavior in the administration of justice; apply critical thinking in criminal justice; apply beginning technical proficiencies; use appropriate communication skills; demonstrate awareness of our pluralistic society to foster understanding and tolerance.

Program Information - A.A.S.

Criminal Justice A.S.

This program provides a core of criminal justice courses meshed with a sound liberal arts foundation designed for students planning to transfer to baccalaureate programs in the criminal justice field. Students will be prepared for future leadership positions in criminal justice. They will learn to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop a sound ethical base for decision making.

Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the criminal justice system, causes of criminal conduct, and responses to criminal behavior; and demonstrate a knowledge of the evolution of criminal law and an understanding of the values and ethics essential to the administration of justice. Students will be practiced in social science research methods and skilled in preparing research proposals and will demonstrate an awareness of our pluralistic society to foster understanding and tolerance.

Program Information - A.S.