Helping Those on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Pandemic
A SUNY Corning Community College (SUNY CCC) nursing student is putting her sewing skills to good use in hopes of helping the medical community during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, a Patient Care Technician, she has sewn and donated 103 cloth masks to local hospitals so far!
In addition to individual SUNY CCC community donations, the College donated PPE supplies to medical facilities in need. SUNY CCC donated over 20,000 pairs of gloves, 700 masks, and other PPE supplies to Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital. The College is also donating 9000 gloves and dozens of gowns to Arnot Ogden Medical Center.
Of exceptional note, are six of our SUNY CCC full time nursing and clinical adjunct faculty who are working on the front line in hospitals. The College is grateful to all for assisting in the ways that each can. From students, to employees, to the College as a whole, community spirit remains strong at SUNY CCC!