Daniel Moretti
Phone: 607.962.9382
Email: dmoretti@corning-cc.edu
Office: STU332/T108

SUNY Oswego, Technology Education, B.S.
SUNY Corning Community College, Manufacturing Technology, A.A.S.
I enjoy creating precise parts, and capable people. As a machinist, I created a lot of precise parts, and as an Instructor, I get to create people capable of the same thing. Seeing students take the lessons from my classes and apply them to class projects, home hobbies, and industrial careers is immensely rewarding, and it is what drives my teaching. I strive to continuously improve my lessons and laboratories to best reflect what students will encounter in modern industry. My goal for all of my students is to ready them for careers designing, engineering, and of course, making the precise parts that keep the modern world moving.
Mastercam I, CNC Machining, CNC Lathe Programming, Manufacturing Methods - Lab
Professional Interests
Machine Tool design, Tooling Technology, Lean Manufacturing