George Hurlburt
Phone: 607.962.9324
Office: Steuben 308

SUNY Potsdam, Mathematics and History, B.A.
Kansas State University, Mathematics, M.S.
Everybody can succeed; it’s just harder for some than others. Many college students have a lot of issues outside of the classroom that make it difficult for them to succeed. To help remove the barriers, I try to be flexible in my grading policies, and I make myself available to students at all times through email. As much as possible, I try to connect math with things students might see in their lives. That’s hard to do with some of our traditional courses. I love our new Quantitative Reasoning courses. They are all real-world math, and students do almost all the work in groups. Students in those classes never ask, “When am I ever going to use this in my life?”
MATH 0970 Quantitative Reasoning, MATH 0980 Beginning Algebra, MATH 1150 Quantitative Reasoning, MATH 1215 Intermediate Algebra I, MATH 1240 Elements of Applied Math II, MATH 1412 Elementary Functions I, MATH 1610 Calculus I, MATH 2620 Ordinary Differential Equations, ENGR 1050 C for Engineers
Conference Presentations
25+ presentations given at various conferences. Most recent presentations:
“Using Google Classroom to Collect Student Work”, NYSMATYC Annual Conference, Corning, NY, April 2019
“The AMATYC Website,” AMATYC Webinar, April 2016
“Different Ways to Make Videos,” AMATYC Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, November 2014
Professional Organizations
NYSMATYC (New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges)
- Secretary, 2003-2006
- Presidential Cycle, 2006-2009 and 2017-2019
- Historian, 2019 – present
- Conference Coordinator for 40th and 50th Annual Conferences
- Conference Coordinator for two Regional Conferences
AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges)
- Webmaster, 2012 – present
- NE Representative to the Innovative Teaching and Learning Committee, 2009 – present
- Served on more than 10 other committees
NYSMATYC Outstanding Contributions to Mathematics Education, 2020
SUNY Exemplary Online Educator, 2018
Corning Community College’s Regional Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award,
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2011
National Educators Association (NEA), grant for TI-Navigator training, 2006