Lee Gernert-Larrea
Phone: 607.962.9273
Email: lgernert@corning-cc.edu
Office: Gym 122F

Mansfield University, Clinical Psychology, M.A.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, B.A.
New York, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Pennsylvania, Licensed Psychologist, Retired
I find teaching psychology classes engaging and fun. Psychology is a wide-open field with many avenues to explore. I enjoy the introduction to psychological science classes as it allows me to introduce many topics to students unfamiliar with the field. I also teach many upper-level courses, which give students the extension of knowledge into more specific areas of the profession. Students are free to ask a variety of questions and to participate in discussions of relevant topics that may affect them.
PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychological Science, PSYC 2207 Child Psychology, PSYC 2208 Adolescent Psychology, PSYC 2215 Abnormal Psychology
Professional Work
I spent 20 years in the community mental health field doing clinical work and providing psychological services at the Elmira Psychiatric Center. My experience in the mental health field is vast.
American Psychological Association, Community College Member
RBOT Excellence in Teaching Award
SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching