Edward Franklin
Phone: 607.962.9296
Email: franklin@corning-cc.edu
Office: Schuyler 110C

Palmer College of Chiropractic, Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), cum laude
University at Buffalo, Biology, B.A.
SUNY Corning Community College, Liberal Arts and Sciences, A.S.
I enjoy the live theater atmosphere of being in the classroom with my students. The hallmark of a great lecture and lab is the two way communication and discussion that takes place as we explore the material together. Learning should be, and can be, fun!
I present the Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL-1210 & 1220) for the SUNY CCC Nursing program, the majors level presentation of Human Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL-2020 and 2030) for the doctorate and allied health professions, and the Biological Anthrophony class (ANTH-2000).
I advise my students to constantly strive for excellence to master the material that we are studying. These are the tools in their toolbox that they will use every day, and what they will need to know to acquire more skills and knowledge as their education continues. My classes require a lot of productive work, but it is very rewarding once we master Anatomy & Physiology together. I grew up in East Corning back when it was considered being out in the "sticks."
Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Biological Anthrophony
(upper level Social Science)
Professional Development Interests
CCC Alumni Committee Chair
Executive Board member of the CCC Foundation
CCC Foundation Board
SUNY CCC Faculty Assembly, Past Chair
SUNY CCC Educational Standards and Policies Committee, Chair
Senior Anatomy & Physiology teacher at SUNY CCC
Empire State Association of Two Year College Biology Teachers Association, Executive
Board Member
Dr. Franklin operated an active and busy private chiropractic practice in Painted Post, NY, for 25 years before joining the CCC faculty.
Professional / Community Organizations
Painted Post Area Board of Trade, Past President; Corning Area Chamber of Commerce, Past Director; Committee of 50, Past Member; Rotary Club of Corning, Past Director; West High School Marching Band Parents Association, Past President; Painted Post Colonial Days, Past Chairman; Past Cub Scout adult leader, Pack 129; Painted Post Planning Board, Past Chairman; Town of Erwin Board of Health, Past Member; Village of Painted Post, Past Mayor (eight years); Painted Post Little League, Vice President; Painted Post Municipal Volunteer Fire Department, President and active member; Painted Post Republican Committee, Chairman
SUNY CCC Regional Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching Award
Painted Post Area Board of Trade's Distinguished Citizen