Aliza Erner

Assistant Professor


Phone: 607.962.9453
Office: STU326



Centre of Material Forming (CEMEF), Mines ParisTech, Sophia-Antipolis, France; Materials Science and Engineering, Ph.D.
ENSIACET, School of Chemical Engineering, Toulouse University, France; Chemistry, M.S.


I taught physics and chemistry at various levels in France and at CCC over the last 15 years. As I see it, making science interesting and motivating is essential to help students become enlightened citizens, capable of understanding the scientific issues of today and tomorrow. To do so, I try to contextualize the content taught and to make my classes as engaging and relevant to my students’ lives as possible. Laboratory work and research projects are also good ways to get students to work in teams and apply the scientific method.

Creating a positive learning environment is a fundamental aspect of teaching, and I try to motivate my students and challenge them to excel while making sure that those struggling have the support and encouragement that they need. 


PHYS 2830 Physics II, MECH 1060 Technical Mechanics, ENGR 2150 Theory & Properties of Material