Syracuse University
| 700 University Ave. Syracuse, NY 13244 | 315-443-9378 |
In an effort to better serve students intending to pursue programs of study at Syracuse University's College of Professional Studies, Corning Community College (CCC) and Syracuse University's College of Professional Studies (CPS) hereby enter into the following transfer articulation agreement.
Transfer Paths:
- General Associates degree to Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS)
General Associates degree to Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS)
CPS guarantees the acceptance of students who complete an Associate Degree at CCC with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to CPS. Transfer students who do not meet these criteria will be evaluated individually.
Corning transfer students will be subject to all academic requirements of CPS, as set forth in the Syracuse University catalog.
Corning students transferring to CPS under the terms of this agreement will receive a 30% tuition discount.
Courses will transfer to CPS provided a grade of "C" or better has been earned.
Credit will be granted where the coursework is comparable to that offered at CPS as Arts & Sciences, general elective, Professional Competencies, or major credit.