Technical Theatre Micro-Credential Outline
This curriculum was designed and approved by theatre faculty at SUNY CCC, Elmira College and Clemens Center staff.
Stackable to Degree Program
This micro-credentials align with requirements for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, A.S. degree should students choose to continue their education after obtaining the micro-credential
The Technical Theatre Micro-credential is 12 credits and comprised of the following courses:
THEA 1010, Introduction to Theatre (3 cr.)
Presents theatre as an all-encompassing art form. Surveys the history of theatre and
the diversity of theatrical genres from story-telling to 20th century 'Realism' to
performance art. Studies dramatic literature as it relates to practical theatrical
production. Examines the collaborative process leading to production. Students present
a full production plan as a final project.
THEA 1030, Introduction to Technical Theatre (3 cr.)
An introduction to the technical aspects of theatrical production, including principles
of stagecraft, lighting, sound, stage props, and costuming, stage crew organization
and responsibilities, and theatre safety. Hands-on experience in constructing and
running productions in weekly lab work and serving on stage crews for theatre productions.
THE 2100, Stage Lighting and Sound (3 cr.)*
Elective: Choose 3 credits from the following:
- THE 2120 Introduction to Theatrical Design (3 cr.)*
- THE 3141 Stage Costume Design (3 cr.)*
- THE 1002 Theatre Practicum (1 cr.)*
- THEA 1100 and/or 2100 Rehearsal, Performance and Production (1 cr. or 2 cr.)
*Denotes that courses will be taken at Elmira College