OSHA 30 General Industry
The OSHA 30-hour training course for general industry was created by OSHA and is based on the federal industry regulations. This course will provide workers with information on how to identify, abate, avoid, and prevent job-related hazards on a job site. We will cover a variety of safety and health hazards which a worker may encounter.
The OSHA 30-Hour General Industry classroom course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to OSHA
- Managing Safety and Health
- Walking and Working Services
- Fall Protection
- Exit Routes
- Emergency Action Plans
- Fire Prevention Plans
- Fire Protection
- Identifying Electrical Hazards
- Electrical Grounding and Protection Standards
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Respiratory Protection
- Hazard Communication
- Hazardous Materials
- Machine Guarding
- OSHA Safety and Health Programs
- Materials Handling
- Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
- Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Lockout/Tagout
- Ergonomics
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
- Powered Industrial Vehicles
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive their DOL/OSHA 30-Hour General Industry card (4-6 weeks).
Email ilearn@corning-cc.edu or call 607-936-5501 for more information on upcoming dates or opportunities for your corporate training needs!